Homemade Parmesan Crisps

Last week I posted about some store-bought Parmesan crisps. In that review I stated that they were tasty but too expensive. Today I’m going to show you how to make some at home quick and easily.

This recipe is so short and easy to make. The only ingredients I used was Parmesan cheese. Use the fresh stuff not the canister.

  • Pre-heat the oven to 350°
  • Use a silicone cooking mat, parchment paper or aluminum foil on a cookie sheet.
  • Grease the foil with your preferred method i.e non stick cooking spray, lard, butter etc.


Add you Parmesan cheese in round cracker shapes. I tried to get thin even shapes to make sure even cooking. Bake for about six minutes or until golden crispy and delicious.

When you first pull them from the oven they are still pliable if you want to make fancy shapes. Which now that I think about It these might make perfect faux taco shells…expect to see that next week now.

After they cool down they get a bit crispy but not nearly as much as the store-bought ones. They are definitely tastier though. I left half of my first batch in the fridge for a later meal and they crisped up more. The taste is better fresh from the oven though.

As for my main complaint on the store-bought ones, the price, these also excel. The bag of cheese I  bought was around $1.50~$2 and made 11 crisps. The store-bought ones were $4.98 for about 18. The DIY route would make around 30 (give or take a few) for $5.  I’m cheap and will take any savings I can get.

The only downside I can see is that I would not trust these for storage. I would highly suggest eating any you make that day. However you can store good Parmesan cheese for up to a year. I would store it and grate what I need.

There you go a homemade recipe for Parmesan crisps now get in the kitchen and make some. Have you made these before? Any tip or thoughts on them? Let me know in the comments.


4 Replies to “Homemade Parmesan Crisps”

  1. Vince

    I’m new to the whole “paleo-thing” and this looks pretty cool. Have you tried making your own Parmesan? I was wondering how difficult/easy it may be. It might be worth a shot. Keep up the good work!

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