3 Reasons You’ll love Wish App For Survival Gear

3 Reasons You'll love  Wish App For Survival Gear
3 Reasons You’ll love Wish App For Survival Gear

3 Reasons You’ll love Wish App For Survival Gear

Have you use the wish app for survival gear yet? Why not? I’ve mentioned it on the podcast a few times. It’s kinda like amazon for Chinese made goods. 

Before you say anything about not buying chinses stuff I don’t even want to hear it. The stuff you can get locally is all Chinese made and cost more. 

I would rather pay less and get the same thing. 

When I first heard of the wish app I was not impressed. None of the things I was looking for at the time were on there. Of course, I was looking for Olympic weights. Not the cheapest things to send. 

I mostly thought that it was for trinkets and jewelry. Being a manly man I cared not for these things. 

When I actually decided to give it a try I found out how amazing the wish app is for survival gear. Since then I have made several purchases I’m happy with. 

So what makes the Wish Ap for Great for Survival? Let’s dig into a few points.



The prices in the wish app for survival gear are very reasonable. With some being incredibly cheap. 

Just for example, the have Mechanix Branded tactical gloves for $5. The cheapest I can find on Amazon are $12 with amazon prime. 

On many of the things, I have checked wish has the cheaper price. Usually around half the price. 


The variety of things you can find is the best part. If you search right. And for the right things. 

I have noticed that the most high level you search for things the better the results. Unlike in amazon. Where you get getter results looking for the exact thing you want.

So looking for morainic will return no results in the wish app. But looking for high-level results such as Survival, Tactical or bushcraft. 

Basically, you want to search for the phrase that will catch the most results then scroll. You may not find what you are looking for but you will find something you want. 


How is the quality of the items you will find from the wish app? It varies. It is a shopping app with many vendors selling their wares. 

You will have to look at pictures, rating stars and reviews if there are any. 

If the item looks cheap and junkie it probably is. 

The refund process is easy, though. So no big worries on being ripped off. The people at wish will treat you good even if the vendors might be shady. 

That being said I nor anyone I know who has ordered had been unhappy with their items. 

With clothing make sure to do your homework. The sizes are always weird. You are better off ordering a size too big. 


In conclusion, I recommend the Wish app for Survival for several reasons. The positives of the app outweigh the negatives. 

The prices on gear are often incredibly cheap on most things. There are a few items that seem overpriced. Most seem way underpriced.

Even though the quality is not always great it is always decent. I have not been disappointed with anything. 

Also since I haven’t mentioned it before the shipping is slow. The items are generally coming from overseas. Usually from China. Although I had an item come from the Netherlands once. 

The only issue I ever had with an item not showing up was refunded promptly. 


I have an Ebook on  Paleo Pumpkin  Recipes I worked really hard on for you. I would love for you to make some recipes from it and enjoy them. 

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2 Replies to “3 Reasons You’ll love Wish App For Survival Gear”

  1. TinMan

    Damn….. I can’t seem to get off of this sight….. always something new or interesting. It’s like the ‘Harbor Freight’ of survival gear.
    Thank a lot, James…. LOL

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