Why I’m turning into an Anarchist
Hopefully my door won’t be getting kicked in over this post by the guberment. So today I’m going to share some of my current political feelings with you and the direction I’m heading in. Why anarchy has been given a bad name in society and why I think it could work out better.
Fist let me address the word anarchy. Many hear the word and think the wrong, in my opinion, definition. Anarchy was meant to mean a society without government, without rulers. It has become twisted throughout time to mean the definition you probably know, chaos and disorder. This is an example of language controlling the people. I and many others like myself believe a world without oppressive rulers would not plunge into chaos. There would be and always will be a tiny percentage of humans that are mentally unstable and would love nothing more than to cause violence and chaos. They are the minority though and the majority, which are genuinely good people, would be fine.
I have never in my life been very political. Growing up I think my parents were democrats. My mom I know is a republican now. In the elections I voted in since turning 18 I have voted republican, democrat and lastly libertarian. Nothing I wanted done by voting was achieved. I had almost decided to have nothing to do with voting anymore, to join the 60% majority, and not bother voting. If not for Gary Johnson I wouldn’t have.
I’m coming more and more to the conclusion that it truly doesn’t matter who is in any office. They are all moving in the same direction, the wrong way. They all want to grow their power and remove our freedoms. From now on I will not be participating in the election processes. I will not give them power for a system that is broke.
I try not to be too political but sometimes I feel the need to share with my friends and that’s all of you.
What are your political leaning? Let me know I the comments!
27 Replies to “Why I’m turning into an Anarchist”
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Anarchy does not mean a lack of order. Anarchy means natural order.
I do believe you are on the right track
You are right about politicians. They forget where they come from and are just doing whatever to improve their lives. The whole system is screwed up. I think that one should be allowed to serve no more than eight years in office. Longer than that and they feel they are owed something and they think they are better than the people they were elected to represent. Some of them become like that BIT*H, pardon my french, Feinstein. How does a person like that from California know enough about anything to tell me what weapons I can have here in Tennessee. After serving in the Marines and being a police officer for about 25 years, I feel like I’m more able my weapons that she is able to control her ignorance.
P.S. My door is ready. Hope it doesn’t come to that.
Mark I agree with a lot of what your saying. I don’t want her telling me what weapons I can have here nor really anyone here either. I’m a responsible gun owner and would be one if I had a full auto for that matter.
@ James M – While respecting your opinion, I tend to disagree with with your interpretation. Medieval Latin anarchia, from Greek, from anarchos having no ruler, from an- + archos ruler.While lack of an established order does result in a “natural order” by simple subtraction & default, in the “natural order” there is no protection of rights.The antelope has no right to life and is eaten by the lion.
From the DoI – “that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,…That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men,…”
I think I tend to go more to the term “minarchist” – “That government is best which governs least”, but still SOME. There is a place, imo, for gov, “establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, “; but not the unjust womb>tomb “maxarchist” state that wants to rule every freakin portion of our current lives.
I may be moving towards full on anarchy but I don’t think I would complain if we became a minarchist society. It’s still better and in the right direction.
Government is the wolf. Anarchy means the there are no wolves or the wolves have lost their power. Minarchy the government is in control of law an area they do the worst at operating. Enjoy your police state.
I think being a part of the current political and maybe economic system is no longer in the interest of the individual. On some podcasts I listen to(Clyde Lewis, the survival podcast, etc.) I sometimes hear about the idea that the so called elite are making a breakaway civilization on the back of mainstream civilization. Whether this is true or not, I would like to see a group similar to preppers, but maybe not so disaster obsessed, who could make a breakaway civilization of their own. They would use the mainstream civilization for what it’s good for; like cheap goods, restaurants, and entertainment, but not be completely dependent on it for survival. Such coexistence would require no revolution or even political movement. They would have their own electricity and make their own goods, maybe with community factories(definitely not factories in the communist or capitalist sense, just a place where individuals could sign up for time and use advanced tools or take classes, maybe with a small membership fee, like a gym has equipment you can’t afford yourself and personal trainers to guide you if you feel you need guidance). They might get normal jobs for fun or to buy the newest shoes or pay taxes or whatever, but that’s it, they would really not need money just to live, for survival they would rely on themselves and maybe also a little bit on their breakaway community. Hopefully they would also focus on freeing(I say freeing because I think the average worker is sadly in a state of wage/debt slavery) as many other people as they could, because that act of helping others would differentiate them from ordinary selfish/greedy people. I guess this sounds a little like the Amish or something, but i would want them to be very forward looking(focused on the future, not the past) and inventive to a fault(of course they could also be very un-inventive and daft if they wanted, no one would be telling them what to think, but the community and their own need for a more independent way of life might tend to influence them towards being inventive/productive over time). They would (probably) use new technology all the time. A lot of people could see such a group as anarchists. It would be relatively decentralized at least. I hope this post makes some sort of sense, thanks for reading it whether it does or not.
Great post John and you set a good scene. Hell I wish that was a whole story to be honest.
Well,… of course you are turning anarchistic. It is the logical progression of honest, thoughtful libertarians. And for those who don’t know, there are different flavors of Anarchists. Volutaryist and Agorist having the most in common with Libertarian/Minarchists.
I applaud your bringing the subject here to your readers.
Those thoughts (anarchism),right or wrong, are why our Gov. is in a near -fear mode. A more reasonable approach would be using the existing avenues that are available i.e. write or e-mail your political representatives and express your feelings to them.Any other approach would be anarchist!!!!!!
The government is in fear because it is in the process of crashing and burning and the people are waking up on the way down. I want little to no government involvement and that includes any writing or contacting politicians. Which they could care less about anyway. Writing them only waste your own time and I have mush better things to do with my time.
This is why you are (from Wikipedia);
“Anarchy in the U.K.” is a song by the English punk rock band the Sex Pistols. It was released as the band’s debut single on 26 November 1976 and was later featured on their only album, Never Mind the Bollocks, Here’s the Sex Pistols. “Anarchy in the U.K.” is number 56 on Rolling Stone magazine’s list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.
Good one Mark! That’s one of my favorite songs.
Although I’m am not anarchist I can see the sense of nobility it possesses. I’m personally in favor of a monarchist style of government. I came to this view after I accepted certain things. One of those things is that the true political spectrum is not simply right or left but also up and down. The lower side being libertarian and the higher side being authoritarian. When I looked at that and was honest with myself I realized that both parties are moving to be more authoritative. Presenting simply a different flavor of oppressive behavior. The other major thing that led me to a minarchist view was my time in law enforcement. I became disillusioned as I saw laws enforced that I didn’t feel were the responsibility of the government or frankly unconstitutional. Too much is on the books to regulate behavior and frankly what gives the govt the right to say what kind of knife or firearm I need? Especially when leglisators remain ignorant of the real capabilities of firearms and their uses.
We need to restore the republic.
You must be a very young or naive person to not know what happens when people try to live without laws and rules. History is full of failed Utopias such as you speak of.
The fact is that when people are left to their own devices without ANY laws or Restrictions or rule the result is always the same: Total Failure….
The innate nature of Man assures failure of such a system every time it is tried. Do some research on the fallen nature of Man before you judge me wrong……
Anarchy can’t fail because anarchy isn’t organized. The whole point is that everyone can do anything and then they have to reap the rewards of their decisions. I think that it would be necessarily more violent and difficult for some. A dictatorship can last forever as long as there is an army strong enough to disarm and control the population, and many people would be happy going about their life from the comfort of their chair watching their TV, but just because it is easy and can last doesn’t make it right. I can’t justify any person controlling another person, and therefor I think that Anarchy is the only thing left.
Anarchy is full of structure. We must evolve into anarchy. You guys are not really familiar with the Anarchist writings. Nobody rules means we respect each other.
What you are saying is that anarchy starts out as a disorganized bunch doing whatever they want. But what always ends up happening is that the strongest of the group end up ruling over and oppressing the weaker. When this happens nobody is free and fear rules the day backed up by real violence and death, not armchair TV drama. Ask anyone who has lived under this kind of “Anarchy”. Anarchy always descends into rule by brute force.
Are you claiming that anarchy always ends up being mob rule?
No James, but it always ends up being the rule of a few over the many with the loss of rights and freedom for the many and even the loss of life. And we are no where near that level in this country yet. Not saying it can’t happen here, but it hasn’t gotten to the extreme level that results when everyone does his own thing without rule of law……
Rule of the few over the many. Loss of rights and freedoms? Does that sound like anything familiar to you? Sounds like government to me. The end result of any style of government is a small group of people being in charge of a large group of people. It seems that you are just suggesting we cut out the middle man and start off with a ruling class.
I would say that anarchy is pretty extreme but that many of us are eyeing the extreme end of the spectrum as inspiration for how to move government back into its proper place and politicians back into their proper roles. If government is currently too authoritarian and moving further in that direction, it takes working toward the complete opposite end to pull it back into balance. I doubt that many of us would be genuinely happy if something like a natural disaster or war were to cause a real “without rule of law” situation. Jolly is right about the problems inherent in that environment.
But to hold a philosophical view that NONE of this crap– bureaucracy, redistribution, entitlement, debt, war, nanny statism, socialism, bans, et cetera to infinity and beyond is necessary to the human condition– and that by working within the system to that philosophical end, you may achieve a reduction in the size, scope, and power of a government that has long ago stopped being of, for, and by the people.
So, I say anarchy is a lofty, impossible, and noble goal.
I am not a young man and have had a long time so study many of the ideas discussed here. I am in the “it doesn’t hurt to be prepared” mode rather than the “end is coming” mode. I too am not a particularly political person, but have come to recognize the limits of all types of governance and the practice of the ideals and philosophies inherent in each of them.
Given that, I have concluded that the problems that develop in any political arena are not with the afore mentioned philosophies or ideals, but with human nature. There is a scene in the film “Terminator 2” where the cyborg explains to the child that “It is in your nature to destroy yourselves”. It is a huge and very correct statement. I believe this whole heartedly and know that the scenarios that you and I,and your subscribers are “prepping” for will eventually come. The problem with any power structure or lack there of (anarchy in all forms) is that you will never have a world where everyone believes in the same thing. Haves and have nots will always be at odds with eachother, and any one in power will always abuse it in some way. We are imperfect.
So whats the point? Labeling yourself anything other than a human being is pointless, because when the shit hits the fan the only thing that matters is your friends and your family. The “beliefs” that bind us together have more to do with a common “moral code” than our political beliefs. People who fight in wars aren’t fighting for specific ideals, they are fighting for their lives and for the lives of their brothers and sisters in arms. We salute our flag for the people who have fought and died under it, not our government. If you need a flag to fly or an ideal to define you, how about the flag of humanity. It’s the only ideal I have any respect for.
What about all the government programs that help people with disabilities who can’t work and are unable to help themselves? Are you suggesting they be privatized? What about currency? The barter system?
Nobody here has made a single viable argument for anarchy. Government is there to help the people. That’s it. What we have is not the kind of government we want. But that doesn’t mean we don’t need any government at all.
Billy, in my comment I said that the government and everything could keep going. I don’t think society can be or has to be changed at all. Individuals can just leave it if they want to/are able to. There’s definitely a lot preventing us from doing it. It’s hard and seemingly mathematically illogical to generate your own electricity for example. Solar panels currently do not pay for themselves for decades. The system has lots of ways of pulling you in. Taking advantage of your cost benefit analysis thought process is one of these ways. I’m suggesting that we get together in small communities and reverse engineer the technologies that are used to keep us in this box we are all in. Other people are suggesting other things. What this has to do with anarchy is simply that there are lots of different ideas being suggested and combined. Instead of just going along with the normal way of looking at everything, people here are being slightly more anarchistic in their thinking.
Also, I am surprisingly a person who supports things like disability payments and social security. The social security trust would be doing a lot better if the government hadn’t spent the money allocated to it on other things like bailouts, spying, and robot armies. It would also be nice if our government would protect us from China, which has been stealing our jobs for a long time. It could do it with tariffs, and it could use some of those tariffs for disability payments. But the government of today doesn’t really care about its people, it only sees them as human resources, so it won’t do anything like that.
How are we going to help the disabled in the future when everyone is making a dollar a day, or when we are all replaced by robots like our soldiers are about to be? I think some degree of resource-based independence might help. For that, you would need a small sub-culture/community like the one I wrote about in my other comment.