Why I Love R.E.I
Yesterday I got my R.E.I dividend check and it reminded me how much I love that store. For those that don’t know Rei is a sporting goods store with a focus on camping equipment and clothes. What separates Rei from the other stores out there is that it is a co-op and return the majority of profits to their members through annual member refunds based on their purchases. I just got back a $40 check for gear that I bought from there throughout the year. Let me tell you why I love being a member and why you should consider it.

Huge ROI
Let me begin with this is not a paid endorsement for Rei. I just love the place and getting back my dividend check prompted me to finally write this post. The prices at Rei are comparable to other retailers and maybe by scouring sites like Amazon or RV Ops military surplus or other online gear sites, I could find a cheaper price. By being a member though, which only cost $20 for a lifetime membership, I get a few great benefits. My two favorite benefits are the 10% back on all purchases through your dividend check and the no questions asked return policy for member’s. For buying gear that I was going to buy anyway I get back 10%of that. I also get it locally which I try to do as often as possible.

I recently had to put the no questions asked return policy to the test. I bought a new Inka pen to replace my last one that had gone dry after two years. Well the new on fell out of the holder and was lost after about a week. I figured it must be defective to fall out like that after the first one lasted so long. I went back with what was left which was a metal cylinder. They were like just grab one on the shelf. No hassle at all. Unfortunately that one too was lost so I might get another or try a new product.

Scratch and Dent Sale
The scratch and dent sales are how I learned about the memberships in the first place. All the gear that gets returned is re-sold as-is during the scratch and dent sales. This is actually how I buy most my gear from Rei. I love a good deal and getting stuff at more than half off in some cases is awesome. Last sale I went with the sole goal of getting a pair of Vibram Five Fingers. I went straight to the shoe room and began looking for a pair in good shape that fit. I found several and picked on that was exactly what I was looking for. The price on that pair was $24. They were in perfect shape and have held up great so far. Buying from the sales don’t add towards your dividend and the items can not be returned. I’m fine with that for the price I pay. I’ve found all kinds of great deals on these sales. Be prepared for a long line though, I’ve found that showing up one to one and a half hours early gets you close to the front.
Those are the top three reasons I love to shop at Rei for my outdoor gear. If you live near one I highly suggest checking them out and getting a membership. Spending $20 for the amount of benefits you get, which I hardly covered them all, is a no brainer.
Do you shop at Rei? Are you a member? If not where do you get your gear from? Let me know in the comments!
Today’s article brought to you by the great folks over at Survivalgearbags.com home to all your Bug out bag and tactical needs. Help support Survivalpunk by supporting the great folks at Survival Gear bags.
9 Replies to “Why I Love R.E.I”
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I love REI…I didn’t know about their dividend thing, though. That makes them even better! I switched over to them after Cheaper than Dirt’s colossal screw up after Sandy Hook.
Get the REI Visa card. Another 5%!
Sorry Mountain Credit Cards are the Devil. Plus is I had one there I rack up a huge bill lol
don’t have REI in here in NZ. but on the topic of membership cards;
read an article that mentioned all these cards go into a database that checks off you brought water fodd guns etc and red flags you as a prepper/terrorist. just some food for thought for those with a paranoid mind! (though 10% may be worth the risk!)
I was a member of REI when responsible people ran the organisation. The Nashville store had not even been thought of. The REI folks marvel when they see my old membership card! However, the people running the store on the local levels can’t be beat! They can’t help the incomplete inventory, but do the best with what the CEO gives them. For what they are, they are a welcome and useful addition to the Nashville retail camping establishment. Definitely become a member and reap its rewards which often includes 20% discounts to members only. I am thankful for the camping stores that do carry items the CEO refuses to carry.
I have stated on ZS forums many of my interactions with REI CS. All positive. The greatest being some Keen shoes I returned. I bought some Keen Briggs for $100. They kind of cam apart after 16 months of wearing them in the office. I chalked it up to bad model of shoe as there was a ton of superflous stitching on it. I went back to REI to look at different models of shoes for the office with less stitching. Talking to the sales rep there he learned about my 16 month old Keens that fell apart.
“Bring them back, return them.” He said.
“I wore them for a year and a half.” I answered.
“100% customer satisfaction dude.” he said back to me, “Were you satisfied with them?”
Me: “Well…”
“Do you think $100 pair of office shoes should last longer than a year and a half?” He asked.
“Yeah, I’m thinking $100 should get me about 3 years of use.” I answered.
“You were not satisfied, bring them back and we will replace them. If there are any questions, take my name and tell them I said so.” he said.
I did as instructed and got a new pair, though a different model, of Keens. I also purchased a whole second pair at the same time. No issues with the return.
My other REI “victory” was at a used gear sale. Got an REI Kingdom 6 tent ($475?) for $80. Was returned because a grommet fell off. Being the handyman I am, I got a few grommet kits laying around so I bought it, broguht it home, and popped a new grommet into it. Great tent for family and car camping.
Hey welcome to my blog Ninja Elbow I remember you from the forum. I’ve got several good deals from REI and the return policy kicks ass. I returned the same broken pen, a $20 pen, twice for missing parts. No questions were asked I got to swap it out.
Oh, and “April Triple Threat”. Dividend, member’s 20% coupon, and store credit on any returns you may have done.
Wife got a Big Agnes sleeping bag ($180) and an airmattress ($100) back in April. She had the “triple threat”. Whole thing ended up costing $21. She had returned a raincoat she got last spring as she did not like the fit. She took store credit. Spent it on the above.