12 Weapons For A Zombie Apocalypse To Keep You Alive


Weapons For A Zombie Apocalypse
Weapons For A Zombie Apocalypse



Weapons For A Zombie Apocalypse

Zombie Week 2016 continues! Today lets talk about weapons for a zombie apocalypse. These weapons will work great to get you through a zombie uprising. 

Even  though I am a huge fan of the zombie genre I do not believe zombies apocalypse will ever actually occur. For me, it is more metaphorically. So This article could be used for weapons for whatever two legged vermin during an SHTF. 

It is easier to talk about bashing in a zombies brain than your neighbor that is hungry. That is why I talk about building community. I would rather give a neighbor a bag of rice over a bullet. 



Screwdriver/ Icepick

Weapons For A Zombie need only destroy the brain. Which generally will work for all living creatures too. A screwdriver or an icepick both work really well for this. 

The issue with using a screwdriver is how close you have to get to a zombie. It is very effective at piercing the brain. But you have to do it in close quarters. 



A knife is the same as a screwdriver. It is for a quick puncture to the brain. Not all knives will work as good. You will want to get a knife designed for stabbing not slicing. 

A pointy knife with a strong tip will work great. Daggers will shine in this use. As will any long, skinny pointy one. 



Hamers make great improvised weapons for a zombie. In 2011 in the US 496 murders committed with hammers and clubs. So It is obviously an effective weapon.

Depending on the weight of the hammer and your strength you could have to hit the zombie multiple times. And you have to get in close. 

Hamers are effective but better used as a last-ditch effort over the first line of defense. 


In the comic, The Walking Dead, Ricks’ favorite weapon was the hatchet. It is a great close range weapon for a zombie. Unlike the hammer, you have the benefit of it being sharpened. 

The chances of destroying the brain with only one hit are much higher. 

Both hammers and Hatchets have a chance to get stuck, though. This could get you killed if it happens at the wrong time. 

Baseball Bat

With a baseball bat, you can move back a little. All the previous weapons for a zombie are extreme close range ones. The further away you can dispatch a zombie the safer you will be. 

If you plan on killing zombies with a bat choose aluminum or high-quality wood. A cheap wood bat will break at the worst time. 


With a mace, you are combining both bashing and piercing weapons in one. Mace’s are basically baseball bats with spikes on them. 

If it worked in medieval times it will work for zombies, right?

With a mace, you get to step back from the target and don’t have to swing as hard as with a baseball bat. 

You will most likely get stuck in a skull. You will have to pull it back out after most every strike. 




Here is another ancient weapon to fight zombies with. A pike is a long staff with a sharpened end. 

With a pike, you get to move even further back. Every step you take back the higher your chances of survival rise. 

With many of these weapons for a  zombie that risk of getting stuck is high. With a pike at least it should pull back out easy. 


All the nerds just rejoiced. I almost didn’t put a sword on the list. I don’t feel it is the most practical weapon for a zombie. 

Many liberal zombie fans hail swords as the ultimate weapon. Meh. 

Swords can be used effectively, though. I remember a news story a few years back on a homeowner using a sword on an intruder. In this case, it was very effective in stopping the attack. 

I feel that having to destroy the brain will be hard with a sword. The sword will get stuck and leave you defenseless. 


Sling Shot

The sling and the sling shot can be used to pierce the skull. You will want to get a high-end sling shot not a toy. A sling is a weapon but you will need practice with it. 

With a sling and slingshot, you have a few advantages. 

Slings are quiet weapons for a zombie. This is very important. With guns, the sound will draw more zombies. 

Your best ammo will be steel ball. They are cheap and easy to stock up on now. In a pinch, though rocks will work. 

To pierce the brain you will need to be fairly close. No snipping with a sling shot. 

Bow / Crossbow

Yes, a bow and a crossbow will work as weapons for a zombie. But no it is not the greatest weapon in the world like The Walking Dead will have you believe. 

Bows are very quiet. With practice, you can get pretty fast. Even with a crossbow. You will be able to take longer range shots to keep safe. 

Unless you are able to retrieve your arrows and bolts after though you will eventually run out. And even then they will become unusable. 

If you plan on using a bow for killing zombies you need to stock up on bows and learn to make them. Making them is the only way to shoot long term. 


I’m going to talk mostly in terms of generalities here. I can’t go in depth on every caliber. 

Handguns are amazing tools for self-defense. I feel you should have one daily now and more so in an SHTF. 

With a handgun, you get to put in some decent distance from your target. You have several shots you can make before reloading. 

Every caliber will work to destroy the brain. Yes, even the .22. 

For zombies, you need a suppressor. Period. No, it won’t be like in the movies but it will be much quieter. 

Even with a suppressor it will be loud and will attract more zombies. A handgun is not your first choice of a weapon to kill a zombie. It is a last ditch escape. 


For a rifle, you want smaller and quieter. Think .22 and .17 HMR. A suppressed subsonic .300 blackout is one addition to my weapons for a zombie.

You want to find a balance of power, distance, and quietness. The further away you can take out a zombie without drawing more is the ultimate in zombie killing. 

For me, my number one pick is still a scoped .22 rifle. It is quiet and will do the job at a decent distance. 


This one is hard to conclude on. What are the Weapons For A Zombie Apocalypse? Well since Zombies aren’t real. Also, why pick only one? 

In a zombie apocalypse, I want as many weapons as I can carry without slowing me down. So have a .22 rifle, a sidearm, a hatchet and a knife. 

As preppers, we never put all our eggs in one basket. If you only rely on your main battle rifle then when it breaks you’re screwed. 



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