Unconventional Survival

Unconventional Survival Tips and Tricks | 297


Unconventional Survival
Unconventional Survival


Unconventional Survival Tips and Tricks | 297


When it comes to survival, sometimes thinking outside the box can give you an edge. These unconventional tips and tricks are perfect for preppers looking to expand their skill set with creative and resourceful methods.

Starting a Fire with Your Own Pee

Yes, you read that right—your own urine can help you start a fire. By collecting your pee in a clear plastic bag, you can create a makeshift magnifying lens. The curved liquid acts like a magnifying glass, focusing sunlight onto a small pile of tinder to ignite a flame. This method is great for emergency situations when other fire-starting tools aren’t available.

Dry Canning Butter for Long-Term Use

Butter can be preserved for years with dry canning. Simply heat unsalted butter in a saucepan until it melts, then pour it into sterilized canning jars. Seal the jars while the butter is still hot, allowing a vacuum seal to form. This method ensures you’ll always have a source of fats, even during long-term storage situations.

Making Oil Lamps from Used Jars

Old jars and cooking oil can be transformed into DIY oil lamps. Insert a wick (cotton string works well) into the jar, ensuring it extends above the oil level. Light the wick for an inexpensive and long-lasting source of light. This trick is perfect for emergencies or power outages.

Crisco Candle Hack

A can of Crisco isn’t just for baking—it makes an excellent emergency candle. Insert a cotton wick or piece of string into the center of the can, and light it. A single can, can burn for days, providing both light and warmth.

DIY Fuel Tablets

Stuff empty toilet paper rolls with dryer lint and soak them in melted wax. Once hardened, these DIY fuel tablets are compact, lightweight, and highly effective for starting fires in any weather.

Creativity and adaptability are key in survival. Experiment with these unconventional tips to ensure you’re prepared for anything!



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