Come Join Me For A Tour Of My Off Grid Tiny House

Join Me For A Tour Of My Off Grid Tiny House

I finally did a Tour Of My Off Grid Tiny House. After several requests on YouTube to do a tiny house tour. I kept putting it off till I could clean up my house. To get it done I decided to set a deadline and shoot the video tour of my tiny house whether it was clean or not. Well, It is not perfectly clean but I’m a man and a messy one at that. 

I realized that I forgot to show the loft. Also, I didn’t talk about the walls. I’ll answer some of the things here. If I get enough questions I will do a Q&A Video on my tiny house. 


Stained Plywood Walls
Stained Plywood Walls

Stained Plywood Walls

So for my walls, I took a unique approach. I didn’t want to do plain old drywall. After lots of searching on google, I came upon stained plywood. I went with a dark red stained which ended up looking like walnut to me. The great thing about the plywood is hanging pictures. I can put a nail anywhere and it will work. Plus I like wood over drywall. 

The Loft

The Loft Is 8 foot long by 12 ish feet wide. So it gives me plenty of room for a queen sized mattress and storage. I somehow totally forgot to video the loft in the Tour Of My Off Grid Tiny House.  The platform is stained plywood. The center braces were removed above the loft for more head room. With sturdiness of the plywood to hold it together, I was not worried about losing strength. Also, the 2×6 frame of the loft pulls the walls together. 



Want to hear yourself on the podcast? Call in with your questions at (615) 657-9104 and leave us a voice mail. 

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