The Unimog EarthCruisier is the Ultimate Survival Campervan

The Unimog EarthCruisier is the Ultimate Survival Campervan
Today is not a review. Unfortunately. Unimog EarthCruisier is absolutely something I would love to test out. I just wanted to share something cool with you guys.
It would make one heck of a bug out vehicle. If you have the money. The Unimog EarthCruisier is not cheap. But if you have more money than DIY skills it would be nice.
And sometimes it’s nice to steal ideas from the pros. You could use some of the design features in your Bug Out Vehicle.
The Unimog EarthCruiser is being pegged as the most advanced expedition campervan and may just be the ultimate survival campervan till date. Australian company EarthCruiser Overland Vehicles Pty. Ltd. drew Inspiration from the Mercedes-Benz Unimog U430 that is used by the military. The Unimog EarthCruisier is fuelling the hopes of all adventurers who would love to tread unexplored landscapes and venture far beyond civilization.
The motorhome is truly built for global adventures. Anyone who has crisscrossed continents or even traveled across countries would know there are many places on the planet where you would need to adopt from right-hand drive to left-hand drive and vice versa. To remain relevant on the global stage perhaps, the EarthCruiser Unimog Explorer has a feature called Variopilot. This enables adventurers and survivalists to switch steering and pedals from left-hand drive to right-hand drive and vice versa as they travel from one continent to another.
The Unimog based EarthCruiser sports a 7.7L 20kW/1200Nm turbo diesel engine. So you can choose between a manual or automated transmission and there is enough fuel capacity to travel 2,174 miles. There is a 14.4-foot long variant XPR440. The shorter 12.4 feet variant XPR380 has a rear mount for a motorcycle. The EarthCruiser Explorer weighs twelve tonnes. The all-wheel drive can carry 211 gallons of diesel and 227 gallons of water. There are different kinds of weatherproof options that buyers can choose from depending on the kind of terrains they would like to explore. The campervan can be conditioned by the manufacturer to suit extreme heat or the extreme cold and everything in between.
Certainly there are features galore aboard the Unimog EarthCruiser Explorer. The iPad touchscreen inside enables users to access a hundred and forty different functions, from controlling the four-point hydraulic jacking system to regulating the deflation and inflation systems.
Furthermore the vehicle comes with coil spring suspension for all four wheels with disc brakes, there is an off-road ultra-low gear ratio selection, sufficient batteries and heated tanks, water supply and pumps, fridges with freezers boasting capacities of 17 and 52 gallons, twin beds or queen bed, electric winches on the front and rear, seating capacity of five people, a mounted 240V barbecue unit, and an axe and a chainsaw.
So owners can rely on satellite tracking & monitoring. There are five cameras mounted outside with recording up to forty-five days. The tracking and monitoring can also be facilitated from anywhere around the world!
Final Thoughts
Finally the EarthCruiser Explorer is customizable on the basis of specific needs of the buyer. The entry-level variant of the Unimog is poised at $580,000. There are various options if buyers wish to upgrade certain features for a more satiating experience. Also, the price can easily increase to $720,000 with some of the options and accessories may cost more. So the most premium version may be closer to a million.
So If you want to hire the Unimog EarthCruiser and get a feel for the vehicle, you can rent one from a company like Campervan Finder in New Zealand. These are premium vehicles and pricing is close to $500NZD per day for a short-term hire. I couldn’t find anywhere in the US to rent one. But you can buy one Here
Although The Unimog EarthCruisier is well outside most of our budgets it’s cool to look at it and dream.
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