The Best Trick To Get Silver
I’ve seen a million ways and tricks online to get pre 64 silver. In an effort to test them out and pass it along to all of you I’ve tested most of them. I’ve tried getting change from small laundry mats, getting rolls of half dollars and so on. I’ve failed to get any silver with any of those methods. Not one single silver dime, Between reading and thinking about my resources though I figured out a trick that has been bringing me a few silver pieces a week for face value. This trick is in no means should be your primary way to invest in silver. It is too uncertain and random. Leaving such an important part of your financial planing to chance is stupid. I would rather you head to JM Bullion or a local coin shop. As an addition to your silver purchases though this is great. Since I’m not an annoying fear mongering email marketer I’m going to tell you all about my trick for free! Let’s get into the details so you can start adding silver for face value.
Who This Works For
This trick should work for pretty much anyone. For some it will be much easier than others but with the right friends you can make it work. The key to this trick is to know someone or yourself work in a retail business. The bigger the retailer might be better. Big retail stores deal with massive amounts of change everyday. Usually this change is counted by just a few, one or two people. To make this huge task easier they have very big coin sorting machines. Machines calibrated to current change, if the coin is damaged in anyway or made of a different metal weighing different then it is rejected. This change is usually just added to rolls or sent to the bank as loose change in the deposits. If you work in a retailer or have a friend that does then can ask the, usual, ladies that work in the cash office and have them set them aside.
Easier For All
The cash office ladies don’t have a problem doing this since the coins are rejected by the sorter anyway. The coins have to be set aside and either hand rolled or added to an envelope and sent as loose change. Both are more work then leaving them set aside and you exchanging you sortable coinage for this “junk” coinage that takes more work. You are actually helping them out by doing this.
Expected Payoff
This method has little to no work involved. You ask them to keep the change for you and you check and swap it out. I’ve been doing this for a month or two now and have had some pretty good weeks. This past week I didn’t get anything but the week before I got a quarter and four dimes. I got them for no work and for face value. Doing a quick check on Coinflation a silver dime is going for $1.40 and a quarter for $3.52. Added up that’s $9.12 cents in silver value bought for .65 cents. That is also not what you would pay for them. You will never find coins selling for their melt value. Doing a quick search online I was seeing prices about double per dime. Like I said as an added way to get silver for face value this trick is great. You could possible get a bigger payoff by doing this at several stores and get much bigger yields.
No silver finding trick is perfect or really reliable. This so far for me has been the best payoff with the lowest input. I always try to find the sweet spot of the minimum I can put into a system and get the biggest results. For silver I have found this to be that sweet spot. So go out there and start asking and getting a silver stream going. Just don’t come to my store I’ve already claimed it.
What do you think of this method? Do you know anyone that can help you? Do you have a reliable trick that works? Let me know in the comments!
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