Ten Facebook Pages you Should Like

Almost everyone uses Facebook. I bet you’re probably on there right? Up today I’m going to share with you ten fan pages you should go like. These pages update often with good content and are all pages I support and fully endorse.




Skill and Gear

Skills and Gear


Up first is my buddies at Skills and Gear. They post often, usually a few times a day. They share some pretty good info. They are active and respond to questions quickly, so go blow their wall up with questions. I know they have some great stuff planned for the future so get in early. Here another reason, You like free stuff righ? You like pointy/ choppy things? I know I do! Right now (8/28/2012) they are having a contest for two great knives, an Ontario RTAK II and KA-BAR Kukri Machete. Ah but contest always make you jump through hoops right? No! All they are asking for it 500 likes on Facebook. I just looked and they are at 307. If all of you go right now they will have their 500 Likes, You could have two kick ass new knives. Win win if you ask me. Do it now!




Up next is the guys at AGS Armament. They have an amazing selection of gear on their website that they test and know is a solid product. . They are an authorized dealer in SOE Gear. They have contest often, and who doesn’t like free stuff right. My favorite part is they are active Facebookers, posting lots of pictures. Last week when I was brewing Jahred from AGS was brewing a pumpkin Ale, It looks like it will be a tasty brew.


Punk Rock Homesteading

Punk Rock Homestead

This page is right up my alley. Homesteading AND Punk Rock! They really do have a balanced selection of both as well. Lots of updates, tons of jealousy inducing pictures and great tips.  There is no website to go with this page it is only a FB page (group). They have built a great community with amazing contributions. I love their often posting of punk music videos as well.





These guys have a lot going for them. Their premise is that they an elite Zombie eradication team. They have some really sweet gear. I’m preferential to the red black color scheme. They offer membership packages that I’m not sure how they can even squeeze a profit from. They do training classes, unfortunately mostly in Nevada. They post frequently have great interaction and have big big things coming. They do all this and pack in a healthy sense of humor.


Camping Survival

Camping Survival


Camping Survival is all about some free stuff. I’ve won at least two contest which is more than I won anywhere else. Once contest was for grass feed canned butter. They post a freaking ton! Lots of Questions and Answer, Photos, Video and great interaction. on top of all that they are a store with great deals and a huge selection.



Survival Gear Bags

Survival Gear Bags is just amazing. They spend  so much time on community building. They share and comment on more than I see most pages do. Giveaways? Yup they do em! Amazing products in their store? Yup to that too. They don’t have the biggest selection but it’s  quality gear. Like them if you want good gear, Like them if you want to be treated great and not as just another Fan.


Primal Toad

Primal Toad


I love the nutritional post on this page. I love the energy this guy has. He reminds me of a Paleo Gary Vanerchuck, bringing the thunder to the paleo scene. I can see this guy going places so check him out now.


Adam Kokesh

Adam Vs The Man

This guy cracks me up. He is a Liberty and freedom podcaster. I like the pictures he makes and his YouTube videos. He is constantly on Facebook.  He does have 30K followers so he doesn’t interact as much but does produce content like a maniac.  I find myself sharing his pictures very often. Check him out.


The Art of Manliness

The Art of Manliness

This is a new one I’ve been checking out. I got hooked the other day with a huge article and accompanying video on how to roll up your sleeve…Yes a whole article on sleeve rolling. Don’t laugh it’s a great article. They post a lot of great stuff and I’ll be zoning out on their page and blog a lot from now on.


Little of this Little of that,my tidbits

Little of This Little of That, My Tidbits


I have really begun to dig this page. Lots of updates, interaction, pictures and tips. The lady that runs this seems to definitely have been bitten by the DIY bug. I’ve seen so many tempting projects on her page.  Add the that the amazing food pictures. Don’t visit this page on an empty stomach you’ll end up slobbering on your keyboard.


That’s my top ten list. I would love for you to go like all these amazing pages. They are all ran by great people with great content. Most of them have giveaways often. You will learn something from each of these pages. The ones that have products to sale are the best quality. I have never had a bad experience with none of them. Take the two seconds and go check them out. Lastly if you have not please go like the Survivalpunk Fan page.

Did I miss any? Whats your favorite fan page? Let me know in the comments!

3 Replies to “Ten Facebook Pages you Should Like”

  1. Survival Punk

    I had no idea he had a Facebook page! Unfortunately It looks like he isn’t very active. Thats what I hate about his YouTube videos not enough consistency. Thanks DB

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