How To Treat Wounds First Aid Series II | episode 163

How To Treat Wounds First Aid Series II | episode 163

How To Treat Wounds First Aid Series II | episode 163
How To Treat Wounds First Aid Series II | episode 163

How To Treat Wounds First Aid Series II | episode 163


This week I’m back with the second installment in our First aid series How to treat wounds.

This episode focuses on wounds both small and big. 

The scope covers both band-aids to sutures. 

But this show is designed to help you build a First aid kit for times with rule of law not for the SHTF. This is for everyday life and injuries. Where you can go see the doctor if need be. 

I have always said that medical training should come before buying an expensicve First aid kit. 

This show will teach you how to treat wounds for now. A kit that will be used all the time in you daily life.

Not one that sits in the closet. 

You will learn ways to close a wound and why you should consider leaving it open. 

And why peroxide is not used on wounds anymore. 

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