Tennessee is great for preppers

Tennessee Is Great For Preppers | 235

Tennessee is great for preppers
Tennessee is great for preppers



Tennessee Is Great For Preppers | 235

Today I’m here to talk about why Tennessee is great for preppers. I mean I’m fairly biased about it but that doesn’t mean I’m wrong. Tennessee has a lot going on for it. With today’s podcast, I hope to convince you of that. 

My main points today are laws, community, and climate. One of the reasons why Tennessee is great for preppers is because of our laws. We are a very pro-second amendment state. Tennessee is a constitutional carry state. Meaning you don’t need to get a concealed carry permit. On top of that, many other laws benefit gun owners. 

The cottage food laws are also lax here making it easy to sell your homemade goods. 

Tennessee has a great prepper community. I talk about several of the people in the community today, including John Willis and Nicole Sauce. Those are just some of the influencer-type ones. Every town is full of like-minded individuals. Facebook can help you find your tribe.

Lastly, Tennessee has USDA Zones that include 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b and 8a. This makes for a wide range of growing options. 


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