Survival And Diabetes

Survival And Diabetes Episode 104

Survival And Diabetes
Survival And Diabetes

Survival And Diabetes

This week Mike and I discuss Survival and diabetes. With Mike recently being diagnosed with Diabetes we tackle how it can affect your survival.  We begin by defining some terms. Like what exactly is diabetes. Everyone knows someone with it yet many have no idea what it is and how it affects you.

We go on to talk about some ways to manage it not just now but in a disaster scenario. Most of the strategies focus on type 2 diabetics. There is not much to be done for a type one insulin diabetic.

We hear from listener Matt on alternatives to toilet paper. Both short term and long term. Mike and I begin by talking about a funny book by a 16th century French writer. In it he list the many things you can wipe your ass with. The top thing to wipe with is a gooseneck. The whole thing is crude and hilarious.


If you want to be heard on air and have your question answered give me a call at (615) 657-9104 and leave me a voice mail. Yes the msg is funny and it will mess you up.

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