Tiny Houses And The People Who Live In Them Infographic
Today’s infographic Monday I have one from The Tiny Life Blog on tiny houses. They spent several hundred hours crunching data on tiny houses to come up with an infographic.
More Tiny House People Are Mortgage Free
I want to break out a few numbers to discuss. 68% of tiny house people over 29.3 % of all us homeowners have no mortgage. More than half of us tiny house dwellers do not pay rent or a mortgage. That is a huge difference. More than double. The freedom you gain without paying a mortgage is amazing. For many, it can free you up to not work a job you hate. You can work a job you love or work fewer hours so you can spend more time with your loved ones.
No Debt
I love this statistic. 89% of those that live in a tiny house have less credit card debt than average American’s. 65% of us, myself included, have zero credit card debt. If you believe like me that debt is slavery then this should give you hope. Many are realizing they have been fed a lie and escaping. The trend of getting a bigger and bigger house all the while drowning in debt is dying.
Not Just The Young
If you think that just us youngsters are building tiny houses the giving the system the finger you are wrong. 2 out of 5 tiny house owners are over 50 years old. That comes out to 38% of tiny house people. The 40~50-year-old group has the lowest percentage with only 18%. So it would seem the older and wiser you get the more you realize the need to beat the system with a tiny house.