Debt is Slavery

Episode 76 Debt Is Slavery

Debt is Slavery
Debt is Slavery

Debt is Slavery

This week we tackle the issue of Debt. How debt enslaves you. How freeing it can be to escape from under debt. Mike and I both have become debt free at fairly young ages.

We share some tips on how to get free. How to stay free from debt. Also we talk about some frugal tips.


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The Slavery Of Debt And Lost Opportunities

I hate debt. A lot. I’ve always hated it though not as defined as I now know it. I don’t have much of it and that’s the way I like it. I’ve been thinking more and more about the little I do have and it’s become somewhat obsessive. I don’t like it and want it gone now. I’ve played with facts and figures on how long it will take to pay off and tried to figure ways to speed it up. I’ve racked my brain and laid awake at night have only hate it more. Today I’m going to talk about the evil of debt, missed opportunities and how to work out from under it.