Storing Sauces For Your Preps

Storing Sauces For Your Preps | episode 243

Storing Sauces For Your Preps
Storing Sauces For Your Preps


Storing Sauces For Your Preps | episode 243

Today I’m going to discuss storing sauces for your preps. This might seem like an odd topic at first thought, but makes a lot of sense. Many of the foods that store long term, rice, beans, and pasta, are not very tasty by themselves. You need a way to help the flavor out. And storing sauces for your preps is one way to do that.

Your rice is going to get boring in a hurry without something to spice it up. With the addition of sauces and spices, your preps can give you an infinite amount of flavor. 

I talk about many of the sauces that I use and love. With a combination of making your own sauces for your preps and buying them. 

I like storing some single-serve ones like mayo so it doesn’t go bad without refrigeration. Many things like my favorite condiment, Mustard, do not require refrigeration. 

Things like pasta sauce that you will use the whole jar for are fine to store.


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