Foraging For Fun And Survival

Foraging For Fun And Survival | episode 233

Foraging For Fun And Survival
Foraging For Fun And Survival



Foraging For Fun And Survival | episode 233

Today I talk all about foraging for fun and survival. What is foraging you might be asking. Foraging is going and finding wild edible and medicinal plants. All around us in nature, plants are growing that are safe to eat and delicious. 

With everything getting so much more expensive getting any portion of your food for free helps a lot. All It takes to start foraging is some knowledge and a way to gather it. 

In the audio, I talk about gathering purslane at a walking trail with my daughter. I just grabbed some empty grocery store bags from my car and picked them. 

I used the Plantsnap app to confirm identification. The app is great but I always like to get a secondary confirmation. With Purslane it was pretty easy with no real lookalikes. I consulted a foraging book when I got home to super make sure it was purslane. It turned out to be delicious and my family loved it. 

As a secondary benefit, my daughter learned her first wild edible. Now she can identify purslane and asks to pick it. 


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