Tag: Paleo

  • DB From Florida Hillbilly

    Episode #29 DB From Florida Hillbilly

      One of the earliest blog buddies I made was DB from Florida Hillbilly. Years ago when I was doing the Paracord Sandal I looked around to see if anyone […]

  • Paleo Survival Ration Bars

    Paleo Survival Ration Bar

    Everyone in the Survival community has seen the Survival ration bars. Mainstays, Datrex and others. I have eaten the mainstay bars before. Not bad really. Very dry though. Also the […]

  • No to Milk Storing Milk

    Storing Milk: Why Bother

    I received an email recently with the subject “Why Milk is essential to Stock up on for emergencies”. I knew I would be writing about that. I saved the email […]

  • James Carrying a Warrior

    Paleo And Exercise: A One Two Punch

    I’ve been following a paleo lifestyle for a few years. I was overweight most of that time too. Heck I’m still overweight but not by much. If I was following […]

  • Paleo Nachos

    Paleo Nachos Recipe

        I saw a recipe in a magazine at work that was for “Healthy” nachos. It was full of low fat this and that. It did have a unique […]

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