
Indivisible: With Justice For Some Review

A few months ago I was contacted by author Troy Grice to see if I was interested in reviewing his new book Indivisible: With Justice For Some. The story is about a partial US collapse and implementation of excessive rule of law by the federal government. The author is definitely either a libertarian or full on anarchist. This has caused some strife with pro Military and LEO organizations. In the authors own words

“It has taken some flak from law-and-order zealots and military worshippers for its gritty portrayal of extra-judicial police violence, and the military’s hardened attitude when it comes to occupying America and suppressing revolt. But I think those who are not enamored with romanticized notions of police and military will find it raises challenging moral questions.”

After reading the book I can’t say I agree with the haters. Let’s jump into the review and show you why you should pick up this book.



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