Top 20 Firestarters And Tinder Infographic

Top 20 Firestarters And Tinder Infographic

For this infographic Monday I have the Top 20 Firestarters from Equip To Survive. It is broken up into 10 ignition sources and 10 tinders. I came across this one and picked it to go with the Survivalpunk Punks weekly

I came across this one and picked it to go with the Survivalpunk Punks weekly challenge. Every week we do a challenge on in the group. This week is making a fire using a unique way. So no matches or lighters. 

I even have one that is not listed. In fact, I have not even seen much mention of this method. But you’ll have to join the group to find out what it is. 



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Kodiak Fire Starter

Photo courtessy of kodiakfirestarters

I asked Mike From Skills and Gear if he would mind doing a guest article this week while I am on vacation and he banged out an awesome one! Enjoy.


Kodiak Fire Starter

James asked me to do a guest article while he was on vacation so I thought long and hard on what I wanted to talk about with you guys. I happened to be watching a show that reminded me of how much useless garbage there is on the market I and I just wanted to introduce you to one such piece of crap. I thought I might take a shot as a pitch man for this product and give them a new sales line while I’m at it so here goes. Now introducing the Kodiak Fire Starter, It’s not that it doesn’t work, it just doesn’t work well. Now that I have summed up the product let’s get into specifics.

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