Keeping Entertained During A SHTF

Keeping Entertained During A SHTF | episode 248


Keeping Entertained During A SHTF
Keeping Entertained During A SHTF


Keeping Entertained During A SHTF | episode 248

Join me today as I discuss ways of Keeping Entertained During A SHTF. And you will definitely need some entertainment during a SHTF. I saw a Facebook post yesterday about this very topic. I had already recorded this episode so I chimed in. Many of the comments weren’t giving board game suggestions as the poster asked. They were saying there wouldn’t be any time for anything but work during the SHTF, which is stupid. 

The ideas I share today work just as well for being snowed in as they do for TEOTWAWKI. 

I talk a lot about owning physical media today if there is power. I have been trying to make a move away from streaming services to owning my own media again. Modern movies and TV shows are becoming woke garbage more often than not. So own physical media for a disaster. 

I then talk about board games. With kids around games are a fun way to keep them and yourself entertained. 



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