Lost Skills Podcast

Episode 31 Jeff From The Lost Skills Podcast


Lost Skills Podcast
Lost Skills Podcast


This week we welcome on to the Podcast Jeff Radtke from the lost skills podcast. The Lost skills podcast  to helping to bring back the skills being lost today. Jeff is an avid outdoors man. He is active in the prepper community. Jeff lives the DIY life. The attitude of not being afraid of to try stuff is almost lost. Fear of breaking things rules the mainstream mindset. Jeff wants to bring back the spirit of fixing things yourself. Doing your own car maintenance. Hunting and growing food. If you want to do stuff yourself then this show if for you.


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Laundry Ingredients

Cheap And Easy Laundry Detergent

I love DIY. Some of you may know this. The reason though is pretty simple. I’m a cheap ass. So when coming up with a DIY project I take in a lot of info and condense it down to the cheapest, easiest method. I’m a lazy DIY’er so I find the easiest way to do something. I goggled around for a while and found the easiest way. So let’s get down to making some laundry detergent.
Laundry Ingredients
Laundry Ingredients

DIY activated carbon guest post

Update: I ran this yesterday while on my way back in the car. When I copied and pasted the article the formatting went right out the window and this beautiful article became impossible to read. It is all fixed now and readable. Once again I would like to thank the guys at Zombease for letting me run this post while I’m on vacation. If you have not I suggest you check out what they are doing and give them a like on Facebook.


Activated Charcoal for survival


From use in medical treatments, to simple gardening, water treatment, crafting and more, activated charcoal has proven to be an indispensable resource for thousands of years the world over. It is both readily available and easy to make at home, making it one of the easiest preparations you can make towards outliving the undead.

Only use natural charcoal that is additive and extender free, fuel soaked briquettes and charcoal with extenders can be dangerous to use for the majority of the things listed below.

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Wearing the Shirt

DIY T-Shirt Making

Ok  for today’s post I have a fun little DIY project for you. I learned this few years ago and haven’t thought about it recently. It’s a very cheap and easy method for making graphic T-shirts at home for cheap. They are not the prettiest but they are very punk. They make a great advertising tool for your brand so that everyone that sees it has the brand in their heads.Best of all its super easy and cheap. Over the years I’ve played around with printing my own T-shirts. One method I’ve done that works well is spray paint and stencils. Today is more of a punk silk screening. Stick around and I’ll shot you step by step how you can make your own bootleg Survivalpunk shirt. Don’t worry I wont sue!


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