Tag: bacon
Pine Bark Bacon: Natures Treat
Bacon doesn’t grow on trees. Right? Well maybe it does. I was reading a blog post on Survival Sherpa about uses for pine. It was a list of 13 things […]
Bacon Cinnamon Roll
I love bacon. It’s not much of a confession seeing as everyone that knows me knows this. Every time anything with bacon in it shows up on the internet people […]
Hormel Real Bacon Snackin’ Nuggets Jalapeno
Sometimes you see a product and think this has to be the greatest thing ever made. When I saw Real bacon Snack Nuggets and in Jalapeno flavor my knees became […]
Bacon! Or how I learned to Stop Worrying and Love Fat
I have a news flash. Fat is not bad nor does it (by itself) make you fat. Fat does not lead to obesity. I know this. I have known this […]
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