The Survivalpunk Podcast The Internets Most Electrifying Survival Podcast
Survivalpunk Survival Podcast
Welcome to the Survivalpunk Podcast the internets most electrifying survival podcast. Join James and Mike weekly as they discuss a myriad of topics about survival.
They will teach you how to become better prepared both now and if the SHTF.
James and Mike take a DIY Punk attitude to survivalism. Thinking outside the box to get things done.
The Survival Punk Survival Podcast is a weekly podcast coming out every Wednesday Morning to help get you over hump day.
Unlike many of the Survival and preparedness podcasts that pop up, Survival Punk Podcast, has staying power. The boys are coming up on their third year of podcasting. So no fears that your favorite podcast is going anywhere.
Not Your Dad’s Survival Podcast
The Survival Punk Podcast is not your typical survival podcast. And this might not be the show for you.
The Show should come with a warning. Not intended for Weak Audiences.
Mike and James are brash and offensive. On This survival podcast, they cover adult topics with adult language. Almost every episode has cuss words.
Science has proven that those who use curse words are smarter and more honest. So expect that from The Survivalpunk Podcast.
There will be no punches pulled, no topic off limits, and sacred cows in this survival podcast. The boy’s goal is to teach and entertain you so you can survive.
No one wants to listen to a boring show. That’s just the truth. If the show was not THE MOST ELECTRIFYING PODCAST ON SURVIVAL ENTERTAINMENT then no one would listen. And the world would be less prepared.
Top Episodes
Below are 6 of the top episodes. I gauged this by the number of downloads and feedback from you.
Clicking the photos below will take you to the episode where you can download, listen and find all the show notes.
If you have a personal favorite episode make sure you let me know.

Ways To Listen
Below are a few of the ways to listen to the show. You can always go through the archives on the site to listen to and download episodes as well. And Survivalpunk Army Members have convenient zip files of past episodes.
This is a community Not Dictatorship
This podcast is a community. Interaction is encouraged and appreciated. Mike and James don’t get on the mic and preach at you.
They learn from you the Survival Punks as much as teach what they learn. The best and fastest way to learn is free sharing of knowledge.
There are several ways you can become a part of the Survivalpunk Survival Podcast community.
First, you can always comment on the podcast episodes themselves. This leaves a public record for all to be learn from.
You can send me an email to James @ Survivalpunk Dot Com. All emails come straight to my phone and are responded to as soon as I can.
The best way to interact is in the Facebook Group The Survival Punks. And The group is active, growing and fun. We share information on DIY and survival.
We also have fun and do challenges. Some of the past challenges have included Bug out supplies under $20, DIY weapons, and Fishing challenges.
Want to hear yourself on the podcast? Call in with your questions at (615) 657-9104 and leave us a voice mail.
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