Survival Lessons Learned From Zombies

It’s Halloween so I decided to be a little goofy and do an article on one of my favorite subjects. ZOMBIES! Those wonderful undead creatures that inspire some of the worst movies. Today I’m going to share a few lessons learned from those terrible movies and how we can apply them to furthering our survival plans. Also it’s a fun article for a fun holiday.



Make some friends

This is the number one lesson to take away from the zombie genre. Lone wolfs will die. Your going to need a friend or a few to watch your back. More friends with guns means more chances to kill the zombies trying to eat you. It solves the problems associated with trying to use the bathroom or sleeping. It’s much wiser to sleep in shifts and leave a guard awake at all times. Another very important factor is not everyone is great at everything. With a group you can rely on the strengths of your friends/ teammates. Trust me you cannot learn everything, there is not enough time. Lastly being lonely sucks. Would you really want to be the last person on earth? Talking to volleyballs is not all it’s craked up to be. No I would much rather have a group of friends to enjoy the apocalypse with.

Get it now

I’ve seen many movies where someone gets attacked while making a supplies run. You need a one more thing. You will always need one more thing. Get all you can now when the walking dead are not trying to recruit you. Later just make due. The glorified scavenging trips where you hit the abandoned city on a shopping spree will get you killed.  You might make several trips, get cocky that you will never get caught. Well to quote another movie ” On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero” -Tyler Durden Fight Club.


Shootin’ Ain’t Easy

If you have never shot a weapon you will not magically know how during the Z-Paw. I’ve seen this both ways in movies. Either the character picks up a firearm and is an ace shot from the get go, or like reality, they suck. I though the former and was surprised at my level of suckiness the first time I shot a gun. It was horrible. It took quite a bit of professional training, practice, reading, watching and more Practice. Now I don’t suck. The myth that you will be great after a single training session is also B.S. If your not already a great shot get to the range now and get better.


No Place like Home

This is one of the things that some movies get right and others don’t. As much as I like Dawn of the Dead (the original) Bugging out to a mall or other retail establishment is fucking dumb. If you plan is to head to Walmart to exscape the Zombie horde your an idiot. You will be walking into a death trap. No your plan is not unique and will not work. One of the stupidest things I ever read was some idiot on the internet talking about his “plan” being to head to the local army base, take command of the remaining soldiers and supplies, and drive a tank. This guy was not ever in the military, had not tank drivin experience and would be shot on sight. What is a good idea is keeping supplies at home or a prepared locations and staying there. It is legally your therefore no one’s going to shoot you for trespassing. You know you will have things left there. You will not have  to make unnecessary trips that will get you killed.


Those are a few of the many lessons I’ve learned from watching too many zombie movies to count. Maybe the lesson I’ve enjoyed the most is thinking “What if”.  How would you have prepared. What would you have done. Like I said in my Zombies as a gateway drug post. Any fan of the zombie genre will generally start moving down the path of preparedness.

What lessons have you learned from Zombies? What would you do? Disagree? Let me know in the comments


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7 Replies to “Survival Lessons Learned From Zombies”

  1. Justin

    I think in a lot of ways a zombie apocalypse would be easier than a real breakdown. You would know who to shoot and there would be no question what needed to be done. Lock and load.

  2. jeff

    What if… I would have a variety of .22 pistols and rifles on hand, and many many many boxes of shells. At 20 bucks a box; one can kill herds of zombies. Cheapest bang for the buck.

    • FloridaHillbilly

      On a serious note, I like the Zombie Apocalypse storyline to get folks thinking. As far fetched as it is, if you are ready for zombies, you are ready for anything – pandemic, social or economic breakdown, natural disaster, or the loss of a job. They ALL become more manageable if you are ready for the zeds heading your way.

      They are my upgraded threat when I try to get those starting down the path from “hurricane preparedness”, a local reality, to “bigger picture” preparedness.

      And let’s face it, zombies, for all their goriness and scariness, and just FUN!


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