
Welcome to Survival Punk: Survival with a punk attitude.

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You are invited to stop by for FREE several times a week for a new article discussing current issues effecting our world and methods the average person can use to prepare for them.

Survival Punk is a hands on pro DIY  survival site with the guiding philosophy of…

Thinking outside the box, solving your own problems with creativity and saving money!

On The Survival Punk Blog We Discuss Subjects Such as,

  • How to save money
  • Do it yourself projects
  • Small Scale Farming and Survival Gardening
  • Political Philosophies and Libertarian Ideals
  • Wilderness and Emergency Situation Survival
  • Food Storage Options
  • Preparing for Natural Disasters
  • Homesteading (Apartment and Suburban)
  • Paleo Nutrition for improving health
  • Becoming a modern hunter gatherer
  • Fitness and health
  • Punk music and lifestyle
  • Our Looming National Debt and What it Means to the Individual


These are just a sampling of current and future articles!


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