Solio Classic Solar charger

Today I’m going to review the Solio Classic solar charger. The charger only weights 5.6 ounces. It  has multiply charging tips for all your devices. It comes with a rechargeable 3.7V, 1650mAh Lithium Ion battery.


The solio was part of my three-pronged plan for keeping my cell phone changed while living in the hammock while on vacation. The plan included the Solio, a spare battery and a car charger. Using this plan I kept my phone charged the whole week for the occasional Facebook update. I have had the solio for a while and this is the first time I’ve had a chance for such a big test. And I must say it performed great.

Before leaving for the trip I made sure the solio had a full charge and the backup battery was fully charged as well. Once there I ran the first battery for two days using it sparingly then swapped to the second battery. I never bothered to fully charge the phone and just kept it as the 50% mark or so.

On one of the really bright sun shinny days I put the Solio out to get some more power. Though It never ran out nor did my phone. I kept a charge and kept it on the whole time.The only time I used the car was on the trip to town on cheat day for beer and Krystal’s.

If you like to keep a little tech with you while out camping or are just trying to reduce your electrical consumption check out the Solio Classic solar charger. It will keep your cell phone, ebook reader or other electronic device running while you’re enjoying the great outdoors.

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