Should You Keep Green Beans In Your Preps?


Should You Keep Green Beans In Your Preps
Should You Keep Green Beans In Your Preps



Should You Keep Green Beans In Your Preps?


Today I’m going to talk about should you keep green beans in your preps. I came across this topic in two places in the same week. I was in a Facebook survival group where someone posted about not storing green beans in your preps. The reason was that a whole can of them is only 55 calories. On the other hand, a can of peas is around 182 on average.

The concept also came up in a video on YouTube. The premise was that with inflation so high, you should store the bigger bang for your buck. 

My first thought was don’t tell me what to store. And I don’t even like green beans. At one point I decided on never eating them again. So for me to come to their defense is pretty wild to me. 

Listen in today on whether you should or should not be storing green beans in your preps. 



Green Beans


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