
These are a few resources that I like. Check them out and enjoy.

Preppers Survive Banner

American Survival

Preppers Survive Banner

Preppers Survive


This site gives hunters, campers and other nature enthusiasts all the information they need for making informed decisions on purchasing hunting and tactical knives. In addition, it provides unique reviews of selected outdoor apparel and hunting gear. Living close to the land calls for information and sound judgment. These pages give you generous portions of both.


Herbal Prepper


Homesteading Mom

Lost Skills Podcast

Lost Skills Podcast

Save Our Skills

Save Our Skills

Casual Preppers

Casual Preppers

Apocalyptic Fiction

Reviews and Commentary on Apocalyptic Fiction.


Bud K

Welcome to where you’ll find the largest selections of swords, knives, butterfly knives, OTF knives, lock picks, BB guns, stun guns, and ninja stars in the world! We also carry an extensive array of survival gear and military surplus for camping and all your outdoor adventures. Whether you’re searching for katana swords or zombie apocalypse gear, has it all at the lowest prices online!

Condition-1 Firearms Training

Firearms academy.

Doom and Bloom

Home of the prepper medical corps

Florida Hillbilly

Applying an Appalachian upbringing to my coastal south Florida life.

Freedom Feens

Tazing you with liberty since 2011.

Green Earth Survival School

Southeast Florida’s only Wilderness Survival and Primitive Skills Training School


Original S.O.E. Gear has always been — and remains — committed to producing the finest tactical gear available, at a fair price.

Tn Gun

Our projects help you prepare for emergencies.

Zombie Squad

Online forum full of great preparedness info

How to Survive it

Survival Sherpa

Helping each other on the climb to self-reliance and preparedness…the Survival Sherpa way…One step at a time.

The Patriot Nurse

I take a very balanced approach to prepping that is decidedly reason-based. Many people, after prepping for awhile, being to realize their preps are covered in the food and weapons arenas. Medical preparedness is decidedly less glitzy, but it is integral to a well-rounded plan for thriving during times of difficulty. My work fills that void for the average Joe.


You never know when you are going to be the first responder!


Making the best of things…

Zulu Survival


Surviving Prepper

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