Rangefinder Tips Every Prepper Must Know

Rangefinder tips every prepper must know
To get prepared for most SHTF situation, you would need to find the best gear and learn up appropriate skills. One of the most useful equipment would be a rangefinder, where you can choose to use it for survival, hunting or even mountaineering.
To utilize a rangefinder properly, you need to understand how it works. Laser rangefinders function by emitting laser beams which subsequently bounces off your intended target. The high-speed clock in your unit would then measure the amount of time taken for the beam to leave and go back to the unit.
Some general principles to note is that the greater the beam dispersion, the further your unit can range. However, a smaller beam divergence would give greater ranging precision despite it not being able to range far objects.
Another interesting thing to note is how the rangefinder would calculate distance. The rangefinder will employ a calculation method called ‘time of flight’ principle, calculating the speed of light.
After understanding some basic concepts, I would like to share some tips you can use for your rangefinder.
Utilize your rangefinder to better understand your surroundings
Another tool which you can use would be a handheld GPS receiver to have a deeper understanding of your surroundings. This is usually done by ‘scouting’ the place you intend to travel beforehand on websites such as Google Maps and later download those waypoints into your GPS.
This is almost similar to the use of a rangefinder, where you can scout places, but the only difference is that you will do it on the ground.
Here are some ways you can use to better understand important aspects of unchartered terrains. You can determine which positions which allows you to have a clear shot towards your target. Even if it’s your property, you can set up hunting stands in several strategic areas and use your rangefinder to determine what you can see and how you should shoot if any threat comes.
If you are out in the wilderness, using a rangefinder can allow you to observe the habitual patterns of animals, allowing you to find better ways to approach it. Even when SHTF and you are lost in the wilderness, these kinds of information are still important because you do not know when you would run into a carnivore!
Using rangefinders to help make your shots accurate
There are basically two ways how a rangefinder can make your shots accurate. First, you can use a rangefinder to train your aim, where you can use a rangefinder to get immediate feedback on how you did on your shots. Especially if you are shooting an arrow, a rangefinder can tell you the distance that you are aiming and show you how much strength is really necessary to reach that target.
Second, is that you can use a rangefinder to aim when you are shooting. In a situation where you meet a suspicious person holding weapons near your property, you can choose to take action. One option is you can sling led to a nearby tree, showing him that you are aware of his presence. Remember that harming a person is not the only way to make him alert that you are not someone to mess with!
People who use rangefinder tend to aim better because of a psychological edge. For example, when a hunter uses a rangefinder, he can focus on making the shot rather than diverting the attention of his mind to other things such as estimating what is the distance between him and the target. This is one of the most important tip every prepper need to know about their rangefinders.
Use it to keep yourself alert to your surroundings
This tip is really important especially when you are caught in an SHTF situation. You need to be alert to your surroundings and one slip of your attention may cost you your life. A rangefinder is a really convenient tool to help you guard a set perimeter. So that you are able to scout for any potential threats coming your way.
Remember to stock up on batteries! If you are scouting for long hours, it may take up quite a lot of juice. Hence, it is really important that you know how long you would like to run the operation and stock up on the required amount of batteries.
Remember to use these tips whenever possible, it would no doubt benefit you! Before ending the post, I would like to share some aspects to look at when you are choosing your rangefinder. Because the right kind of gear matters.
You need to consider what operating modes the rangefinder comes with. Where usually you can choose between First Priority Mode and the Second Priority Mode. Primarily, it is this aspect which differentiates a hunting rangefinder and a golfing rangefinder. Please take into account the size and weight of the rangefinder as well after understanding what situations you are going to use it in. If you are hunting, you may want to consider a rather lightweight rangefinder since you would be on your foot for long hours.
The types of reticle display for your unit can determine how well you can use it in different lighting conditions as well. This is just a brief overview of what you need to consider before getting a rangefinder. If you have any other tips or ideas, please feel free to share below!
Author Bio: I am John Lewis, a blogger, survivalist and outdoor enthusiast. You can follow me over at Epic Wilderness.
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