Prepping With Kids

Prepping With Kids | episode 246

Prepping With Kids
Prepping With Kids



Prepping With Kids | episode 246


Join me today as I talk about prepping with kids. This episode is a long time coming. Before I never really felt like I could cover the topic properly. It’s hard to talk about something you don’t have any experience with. Now that I have children I can properly cover prepping with kids. 

This might end up being a part of a series. With the shorter episodes, I cover less material, which is a huge topic. 

I talk about including your children in your prepping activities. Kids want to emulate adults and love to be included. Recently I’ve been including my daughter in helping cook dinner every night. She loves to use her tiny kitchen knife to cut veggies. 

There is also a lot of fun activities to do. One of my daughter’s favorite things to do is to go hiking. She’s been going since she was old enough to walk. Often when I’m off the next day I ask her what she wants to do and hiking is chosen as much as going to the park. 


Kids Hiking Pack

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