Politics Suck

This week I’ve been checking out some freedom podcasts by Michael W. Dean of the Freedom Feens and Stephaine Murphy of Porc Therapy. Both great shows filled with a great mix of humor and relevant information. While I don’t agree with everything said on both shows I agree with a large portion and if you do agree with everything anyone says your probably a drone. The result of all these freedom shows is has only served to strengthen my distaste for politics. I’m going to show you why politics suck and why your better off spending your time on something important.

I have never been real interested in politics in my life. Growing up I never felt a real alliance with political parties. I always felt like you should vote for the person that made the most sense. If a candidate actually clicked with your beliefs then vote for them otherwise don’t. I couldn’t understand why people vote on a “color” and not a person. Also I have never believed in voting when you despise both choices. For instance in the 2004 elections with Bush and Kerry. I chose to sit that on out on grounds that I felt both were idiots. Bush had proven his stupidity and Kerry seemed like on. The notion of voting for the lesser of two evils is ridiculous. I would prefer no evil and certainly not idiots.

The other big hang up is on pet topics. Politicians polarize the nation with these stupid and pointless things that don’t matter. Gay marriage does not need to be an issue at all. If two people want to get married the government should not have a say so in the issue. It’s not their business at all if two people say they want to further commit their relationship with marriage. This is of course just one example but this one makes a huge divide is the nation. With the sides hating each other and the Politicians not really giving a shit they just use it as a means to get votes and as a tool to enslave us all. If a topic does not personally affect you ignore it!

They make laws that they have not right to make. My biggest annoyance here is the seat belt laws. Where I live for years have been big campaigns on Click it or Ticket. They will actually pull you over for not wearing a seat belt and give you a ticket! I choose to wear on based on survival statistics that wearing one could improve me not going boom squish. I don’t see how there could be a law though that says you MUST wear on though. It is pure choice to me. If you choose to negate a chance for better survival rates while driving that’s your choice.

Protesting is another thing I hate. It’s pointless. To me its whining about things that most likely you will not change instead of focusing on what you can. The world would be a better place if more people stopped protesting so much and went out and made real tangible differences in the world.

So instead of wasting all your time watching news shows and protesting go learn a new skill. Screw Fox news take up wood working and sale tables. As a people we need to go back to do’ers and not bitchers. Focus on you and your community and making it a better place to live in than what some idiot in a big white house has to say.





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