Podcast Guests Form

We would love to discuss having you on The Survival Punk Podcast as a guest. Our show is dedicated to self sufficiency and liberty and we generally welcome any guest who can contribute to the show in those regards. Past guests include bloggers, survival trainers, gardening and permaculture experts, etc.

The survey form below may seem long but it is designed to make sure your interview goes off with out a hitch and gets you positive exposure to our audience.

When we bring a guest on the show we have two main goals….

  1. Bring new valuable information to our audience
  2. Give the guest positive exposure as fair compensation for their time

The more information you provide in the form below the better we can do at meeting those goals. A couple things to pay special attention to…

  1. Skype Name – we can certainly do an interview where we call you on a land line or cell phone but Skype is always best for audio quality. If you can use Skype please make sure to include your Skype name.
  2. Bio – If you don’t have anything prepared for this understand you are not writing a bio for the back of a book, just tell us a bit about yourself it will help us do a better job of introducing you to the audience.
  3. Proposed Topic – Just tell us what you want to discuss the key is do you want to talk about a subject in general like say organic gardening or get very specific like say building small solar systems for example.
  4. Five Questions – We will certainly ask more than five questions but having a starting point let’s us construct an interview that is very comfortable for our guests. Let me put it this way if you don’t know what you want us to ask you how are we supposed to know? Simply put submissions with out suggested questions are not responded to.
  5. Website – Blogs – This is for your company site, personal blog, anything that will help us better understand your work and do a good job introducing you to the audience.
  6. Photo – Grapic URLs – If you have a head shot, a photo, a logo or anything you would like included in your episodes show notes please provide the URL where we can find them online. If not no big deal but we like to let our audience know who you are and sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.

That is about it, one thing though, if you are NOT the prospective guest please DO NOT fill out the form on their behalf unless you are a member of their staff. If you know a person that you would like to hear on the show please tell them about our show and email them the link to this page.






[contact-form to=”james@survivalpunk.com” subject=”Podcast Guest Submission Form”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Website” type=”url” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Provide a Brief Bio” type=”textarea” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Skype User ID” type=”text” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Proposed Show Topic” type=”text” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Provide a Minimum of 8 Questions for the Host to Ask During Your Interview, You Can Provide Up to Ten” type=”text” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Provide the URL or any Graphic or Photo You Want Us to Use in the Show Notes Published for Your Interview” type=”text” required=”1″][/contact-form]

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