Paleo Pumpkin Pie Bars

A few months back my buddy DB over at Florida Hillbilly did an article on making homemade Lara Bars. Like me hes big into DIY and being cheap. His bars looked super simple to make and delicious. Today I basically followed his template but kicked it up a notch with my favorite pie flavor and one Lara Bars sadly does not make. Pumpkin Pie, the king of pies, in my humble opinion.

Finished Bar
Finished Bar


This is my second go at making pumpkin pie bars. The first attempt was actually pretty sucessful, so successful I actually ate the entire batch that day. I used the only dates I could find locally which were covered in malto dextrin however and were super sweet. This second batch I went to Whole Foods to get proper ingredients. This is what I used to make my Paleo Pumpkin Pie Bars.

  • Pitted Dates
  • Organic Pumpkin Puree
  • Organic Pumpkin Seeds (unsalted)
  • Pumpkin Pie Filling
Cutting The Dates
Cutting The Dates

To give the food processor a hand  I cut the dates into smaller pieces. I cut up about a cup of dates and tossed them into the food processor.

Canned Pumpkin
Canned Pumpkin

The good thing about this brand of canned pumpkin was that it was more firm than most. A lot of canned pumpkin comes out rather runny, which was a problem with my first batch. I added two tbsp of pumpkin to the processor.

Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin Seeds

Please take my advise and use shelled pumpkin seeds. My first go round I shelled the seeds myself. It is a long slow boring process. I do not recommend attempting it.

Pumpkin Pie Filling
Pumpkin Pie Spice

The last ingredient is Pumpkin Pie spice. This is really what makes pumpkin pie taste good. Pumpkin by itself is not a tasty fruit. This is the most important ingredient! I used just shy of 1 tbsp.

Ready to Chill
Ready to Chill

I ran everything through the ninja food processor until basically blended. It’s not the best food processor. It came out a little on the runny side so I put it into the fridge for thirty minutes to set. Which it got much easier to handle. More like that of a real Lara Bar.

Finished Bar
Finished Bar

The result is a pumpkin  pie flavored bar. Really close the the flavor of real pumpkin pie. The texture is a bit off. A little too mushy and not consistent enough. Had some chunks in there. So while it missed the mark on the wonderful custard texture of pumpkin pie it tasted great. In the cool fall weather I think these would be good to carry for a day. I would not think they would do well in summer or without refrigeration more than a day or so.  They do help fill the pumpkin sized  hole in my paleo life though. Give em a try and let me know what you think.

Have any pumpkin recipes? Let me know in the comments.


Today’s article brought to you by TrekLight Gear.  Looking to get a lightweight hammock and get off the ground? Check out TrekLight hammocks

11 Replies to “Paleo Pumpkin Pie Bars”

  1. FloridaHillbilly

    I prefer the term “frugal” over “cheap”…..

    I also prefer to grow my own pumpkins 🙂

    With that being said, my wife was looking over my shoulder as I read this….she wants some…apparently NOW…


    Thanks Bro!

  2. Stephanie

    Is Survival Punk getting into the fall spirit with a little pumpkin-flavored treat??? 😉 Cool! These look delicious. I’m definitely gonna give them a try.

  3. Barb

    I think you mean pumpkin pie spice.
    “The last ingredient is Pumpkin Pie filling.”

    These look great. Looking forward to hearing you on the TSP.

  4. Aayla

    Can’t wait to try this! Caught you today on The Survival Podcast with Jack. Loved it and am so happy to find you!! You have great photos, too.

  5. Sean

    I also heard about you from your appearance on the recent episode of The Survival Podcast. I really like your DIY approach, this might just be what launches me back into Paleo. I’m also going to subscribe to your blog, already liked on FB and followed on Twitter. Keep up the awesome content!

  6. LJH

    Made these tonight – damn, they’re tasty!

    I tweaked your recipe a little like so: 1 cup of cut-up dates, 6 oz. of pumpkin seeds, 2 tblsp. of canned pumpkin, 1 tblsp. of pumpkin pie spice and I added 2 tblsp. of virgin coconut oil & a dash of salt. Ran it in the Cuisinart until it balled up like dough & spread it on foil & chilled. The bars hold together nicely and cut clean.

    These are going to be a regular at our house, thanks!

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