Paleo Cheesecake

Today’s post is extra special for many reasons. First today’s post is my 200th post. Ten months ago in March I launched Survivalpunk. In the following ten months I’ve held the hectic schedule of trying to put out a post Monday Through Friday. Though I’ve missed a few days here and there but  I’ve manged to hit the bicentennial post mark. I realized a few weeks back that the 200th post would also happen to fall on my birthday. Today I turn the ripe old age of 31 and my blog matures to 200 posts. To celebrate I’m making a paleo cheesecake and showing you how to make it. If I could I’d share it with you as well. If only this was a scratch and sniff blog. Enough rantings lets get down to the no baking!

Hunt and Gather these Ingredients




  • One package of Bacon (preferably maple)
  • 1.5 cups of Cashew butter
  • 1/2 Cup Honey
  • 1/2 Cup Coconut Oil
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 4 tbsp coconut milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

I hate complicated and tedious things. Baking is one of them. Since this is my birthday I’m being lazy and making this a No Bake cake. This will be a super easy recipe to follow and is adapted from a raw vegan recipe. In fact without the crust would be raw vegan is your into that thing.

Make the Crust

I got the idea for the crust from my friend Sarah. She made a delicious, not paleo, cheesecake with this maple bacon crust. The maple and bacon flavor complimented the cheesecake perfectly. Who needs Graham cracker crusts when you have BACON! I diced up one package of maple bacon to ensure even cooking. I fried it until all the bacon was crispy and set aside to drain on newspaper. Once cooled off I put it into my food processor.

Bacon Ninja
Depending on how you like your crust, bigger pieces or smaller, you could just crush them. I didn’t realize how much the volume would be reduced after running through the processor. If chopping finely you might want to consider using another half to whole package of bacon.

Bacon Crust
Bacon Crust


As you can see my bacon crust didn’t quite cover the whole bottom of the pan. I thought about cooking more bacon but decided to just go with it as is. Mostly cause I was eager to write this article.

The Filling

The original instructions I read called for using cashews soaked in water overnight and then ran through the food processor. This is an option, but I’m lazy and happened to have two jars of cashew butter I need to use. To make the 1.5 cups of cashew butter is was 1 and a half jars of cashew butter for me. Which was exactly how muck I had.

Cashew Butter
Cashew Butter


Next add all the remaining ingredients to your mixing bowl. A tip here depending on your room temp, mines somewhere around 58°, you will want to melt the coconut oil. Melted oil makes this much easier. After you have everything in your mixing bowel mix it until it’s smooth and creamy.

Mixed Filling
Mixed Filling


This is what mine looked like after about five minutes of mixing.

Filled Pan
Filled Pan


I tried to smooth it out but this stuff is very thick and sticky. So smooth it out the best you can and put it in the fridge to sit. Have a lick of the mixing spoon and enjoy. I’ve had mine in the fridge about an hour or so, so lets check it out.

Paleo Cheesecake
Paleo Cheesecake


OMG! This is delicious. The faux cake turned out creamy, rich and silky smooth. It melts in your mouth. Happy Birthday Me! I love regular cheesecake and although this is delicious and similar it will not fool anyone for cheesecake. I’m ok with that though this is way better for you and has a unique flavor. Definitely worth a try for how easy it is. The only thing I would change would be to use less honey. I usually don’t like sweet things very much so next time I will add half as much honey.

I’m off to celebrate thanks to everyone that keeps me posting by reading, commenting and emailing. Let me know what you think about this paleo cheesecake in the comments.


Today’s article brought to you by the great folks over at home to all your Bug out bag and tactical needs. Help support Survivalpunk by supporting the great folks at Survival Gear bags.

10 Replies to “Paleo Cheesecake”

  1. Sarah Shelton

    Lol, when i made the bacon crust i had to use 2 packages of bacon to cover a 9″ springform pan IAnd i had to chop it all by hand!

  2. FloridaHillbilly

    Hate to say this…but you are wrong. I’ve done the research.

    By “research”, I mean I just ate some following your original recipe.

    And, actually, “I’ve done” should probably read “The wife made me one, and I ate it”

    And as to the “wrong” part…this DOES taste lik cheesecake to me, and if I wasn’t aware, could definitely pass for one… This is friggin awesome…and was my breakfast today 🙂

    The only part I have issue with, is I can barely taste the bacon. The troubles my soul a bit, everything should taste like bacon! But other than that, this is a REALLY good approximation of a cheesecake.

    And 100% Paleo. ROCK ON!


    PS- Did I mention how awesome it was?

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