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Why You Need To Test And Use Your Survival Gear | episode 176
Why You Need To Test And Use Your Survival Gear | episode 176 This week Mike and I return to talk about Why You Need To Test And […]
Anarchy Vs Libertarianisim | Episode 175
Anarchy Vs Libertarianisim | Episode 175 This week I talk about Anarchy Vs Libertarianism. Whats the difference and similarities between the two.
Eating In The Apocalypse | episode 174
Eating In The Apocalypse | episode 174 This week I talk about eating in the apocalypse. I begin by talking about how food taste has changed over time. How lobster was once […]
Lessons From Our Fathers | episode 173
Lessons From Our Fathers | episode 173 This week I talk about lessons from our fathers. Things fathers should be teaching their sons both skills and ways of […]
EDC What To Carry How And Why| episode 172
EDC What To Carry How And Why| episode 172 This week I talk about EDC What To Carry How And Why. I cover why you should build your EDC around […]
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