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Letherman Wave
Today I’m going to review my Leatherman Wave multi tool. The wave comes with 17 tools built in and 2 screwdriver bits. It weighs in at 8.5 oz. It features […]
Ten Uses For Junk Mail
Everyone gets junk mail. Tons and tons of it. And everyone does the same thing toss it straight into the trash. Well I’m going to show you ten things you […]
How To Make Pemmican With Coconut Oil
Pemmican Pemmican is a natural super food. It’s the original energy bar. Pemmican is dried meat with rendered fat in a 50/50 mixture. Dried berries and honey are also added depending […]
Ten survival lessons learned from Punk
I know what your thinking, Punk music is as far from survivalisim as possible. Well I’m going to give you ten lessons from punk that can be applied to […]
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