6 Nutrition Myths That Are Wrong And You Need To Stop! Especially #3

6 Nutrition Myths That Are Wrong, nutrition, weight loss, nutrition myths, fat makes you fat, salt is bad for you,
6 Nutrition Myths That Are Wrong

6 Nutrition Myths That Are Wrong And You Need To Stop

I hear a lot of stupid nutrition myths that are wrong. Everyone you run into is a nutritionist these days. It doesn’t matter that they are 300+ pounds and have diabetes. One of the rules I live by is to never take advice from those less successful than you. If Rich Froning wants to tell me about nutrition I’m getting out my notebook. If, however, an obese guy is trying to tell me that bacon is bad for you, he can get lost. 

For the most part, science is getting better at nutritional studies. In the past and probably still to this day numbers are fudged to suit agendas.  The often quoted China Study is a prime example of these. Where the scientist just tossed out all the numbers that didn’t fit his model. 

Butter Is Bad For You

If you tried to tell your Grandma that butter was bad for you ,she’d probably slap you silly. Butter has been a staple of the human diet since we transitioned from hunter-gather society to a hearder farmer one. Butter made from grass fed cows is one of the best health foods you can be consuming. The likely culprit for health issues was what it was being spread on. That morning toast is far worse than the butter. Same goes for pancakes, waffles  all the other grain-based junk. 


Salt Is Bad For You

I hate hearing this all the time. Salt being bad is one of the Nutrition Myths That Are Wrong that irritates me the most.  People so afraid of salt and the sodium in food. To counter salts unhealthiness they choose low sodium potato chips and sodas… Yeah that the trick. You are focusing on the wrong thing totally. So you know only 25% of Americans are sensitive to salt. If you are actually sensitive to it you will know. 

If you eat a healthy diet based on whole foods then will probably need more salt. The highly processed foods in American diets is loaded with sodium. Take that away and reduce how many carbs you are eating and you will not have an issue with salt. In fact, I usually start my morning  with a swig of olive brine. Also getting extra salt has done wonders for some lightheadedness I had. 


Fat Makes You Fat

Have you seen that internet meme where Robert Downey Jr is rolling his eyes? One the  Nutrition Myths That Are Wrong list I get that look when I hear fat makes you fat. I almost want to just start slapping people. You can loose a ton of weight eating essentially a 90% fat diet.  Without dropping dead of a heart attack either.  The Inuit did fine on a very high-fat diet. With no cancer or heart disease until western food was introduced to them. 


Low Fat High Carb Is Healthy

This is a  Nutrition Myths That Are Wrong because of money. There is a huge conspiracy on how the grain farmers got the FDA and government to push a grain based diet as the healthiest. That became the model for the US food pyramid in the 1991 and the obesity rate has flown through the roof since then. And the worse to me is all the people that believe the government and follow the guide in confusion as to why they are gaining weight. 


Egg Yolks Are Bad Because They Are High In Cholesterol

I friend of mine once said he couldn’t eat eggs for breakfast cause the cholesterol. I’m not sure I remained calm. Come on people Cholesterol is not the freaking boogie man. Do you even have a clue what it is? DO YOU? No so go read Cholesterol Clarity. Did youJust know that cholesterol gets turned into testosterone while you sleep?. You probably need some more. 


All Calories Are Equal

The idea that the incredibly complex human body burns food as it were a furnace is ridiculous. I can’t believe anyone believes Nutrition Myths That Are Wrong. This talks about one of my favorite studies. Participants ate diets of either 90% fat, 90% carbohydrate, and 90% protein. If the calorie theory held completely true then the results should be equal. 

The results were no equal. The Fat group lost the most weight and the high carb group gained weight. Drops Mic.


Science changes a lot. Numbers are fudged to suit the agendas. You have to gain the knowledge yourself. You have to keep up with current science studies and combine it with anecdotal evidence from the health communities. Studies that  say something that is backed up with community results then It’s worth a try. And see if it works for you. If it does then good. If not drop it and move on. So eat natural whole foods and the rest will be easier. 

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