Nature’s 100-Percent Colombian Coffee Kettle Review

Last week I had to go to a meeting for work and while I was leaving I noticed an Academy Sports across the street. I walked around looking at prices and anything new and interesting to review. I found two products that I’m going to be reviewing. Today I have the Nature’s 100-Percent Colombian Coffee Kettle up for review. I found a great hiking trail close to me (Beaman Park if you’re in the TN area) and had a chance to test this product out, as well as the my new Pocket rocket and Power Pot. All in all I had a wonderful hike and had fun playing with some gear. Like any good day, lets get this one started with some coffee.

Nature's 100-Percent Colombian Coffee Kettle
Nature’s 100-Percent Colombian Coffee Kettle

I found a nice dry spot on a creek bed to take a break and brew some coffee. I finally got to use my new stove and pot system, which worked out great. Definitely more versatile than my old JetBoil,  although it seemed to boil water a bit slower, even with a makeshift tin foil lid. I did get a bit of a charge on my cellphone while boiling the water though.
Making Coffee
Making Coffee

Ease of Use

It’s a bit tricky pouring the boiling water into the opening while trying to get it to stay upright and keeping it open because the kettle gets pretty hot while pouring the water into it. Once you have the water in it, it does all the work for you. I let the coffee steep for the three minutes like the instructions said and then poured myself a cup. Pouring is really easy with the finger holes in the bag and the spout. It says its supposed to be enough for four cups, I didn’t exactly measure the amount of water I put in, but I got two cups out of it and would not think it would have been able to make anymore.


Down to the most important part of coffee; The taste! So how does this brew taste? Well, kinda bland and watered down. I like a really strong cup of black coffee. This coffee was way too weak for my preferences. I think the concept of the kettle is pretty neat and works well. I like how light the kettle is and packs up small.


The kettle sales for around $6~$7 bucks and the refill packs around $3. The kettle was made to be reused over and over. I think the option of making your own coffee filter packs, in my case using stronger coffee, would be a good option and one I will be trying out. In any case, I will not be buying expensive refill packs, but I will also not throw away the kettle. I think it will make a great water container, similar to a Platypus. Final thoughts are I would skip this product.

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2 Replies to “Nature’s 100-Percent Colombian Coffee Kettle Review”

  1. TinMan

    Very objective review…..
    I love my morning ‘Cup o’Joe’ also, but t $7/ per 2 cups….. it’s like hiking to ‘Starbucks’
    that wouldn’t be my cup of tea … err coffee either.

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