Making use of Commute Time
Many of us have long commutes to work and it not used right could be wasted time. You could use your time listening to music or news radio. But I figure I have to be in the car for an hour and a half to two hours a day I should utilize that time for learning. If your like me and want to make sure that your time is not wasted let me share some good learning resources with you.
For the past three years I have had a forty minute commute to work and have used that time to learn so many new things. I started out with one podcast TheSurvivalPodcast. I’ve listened to a few podcasts over the years but I’ve listened to TSP without fail since I first found it in 2009. Jack Spirko has an incredible wealth of knowledge. Show topics have covered just about everything of interest to the Self Sufficient, Survivalist and prepper communities. Since I started listening to the show I have moved closer to many goals, I will be planting my garden for my third year, I have got my CCW, firearms training, Firearms, Medical training, Found a community of like minded people, have three months of food storage, Over two thousand in savings, Started this website and many many other amazing accomplishments. I definitely like Jacks moderate no tin foil hat approach to modern survival. So If you only listen to one podcast make sure its this one.
The next one I enjoy often is Paul Wheaton’s podcast. I first heard Paul on The SurvivalPodcast and he blew my mind. He was like a crazy genius. From Paul I first heard about Hugelkultur. Which is basically you cover wood with dirt, and you don’t need to water for the plants planted there for many years. I’m pretty lazy and forgetful so this was an amazing concept. Paul primarily covers permaculture concepts on his podcast but he can be all over the place. Definitely worth checking out you will learn and laugh at the same time.
Up next is Robb Wolf’s Paleo Solution Podcast It’s a once weekly Q&A show with occasional guest interviews. I like hearing solutions to all the listener health and fitness questions. There is usually a good amount of science and humor in every episode. It does a great job keeping me up to date on new breakthroughs in nutrition. Also it is an awesome motivator. It’s hard to think about eating crap with Robb yelling at people to eat right.
Those are really the three big ones I listen to on a regular basis. At various times I have listened to The EMT newbie podcast, The Chipmonk Family Survival Podcast, The Outdoor podcast, Freedom Feens and Porc therapy.
Besides that I have used the time recently to work on learning to speak Japanese. I’ve been using a combination of Pimsleur and Japanesepod101 while in the car. These mainly focus on vocabulary with a listen and repeat approach. With it I’ve learned a good bit. While not the only way I’m learning it adds to the time I have to learn by using otherwise wasted time.
Those are a few of the things I do on my daily commute. What podcast and learning resources do you use while in the car?
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