Lessons From the Storm
So last night at work we had some amazing storms. Wind strong enough to snap trees and throw stuff around the parking lot. The storm caused the power to go out for about four hours. All in all it was a pretty bad night. Things turned out well and we got everything taken care of. But it was a serious test and I found out what of my edc worked well, what didn’t and what was seriously lacking.
Last night I forgot to take my edc light with me. Bad idea, It’s called EDC and not SDC (some days carry). So I need to make sure that I actually EDC my light. The one on my keyring was not bright enough at all. The 190 lumens of the Streamlight would have been great. What would have also been great was the headlamp in my GHB in my car. In my car in the parking lot that was engulfed in what seemed a monsoon. Which brings me to my next point.
Car kits are awesome. I love my GHB and can’t imagine life without it. But it don’t help in the car and I can’t get to it. There were many things I wished I had from it last night. I’ve decided that I need to permanently store a few key items in the cabinet at work.
- Headlamp
- Food
- water
Those are the three main items that came up last night. Having the headlamp to be able to use my hands would have been a huge boon. Trying to hold a flashlight and push a squeegee really sucks. So I’m definitely keeping a headlamp at work with spare batteries.
I had lunch with me but without power to heat it up it was pretty gross. Some I’m going to add some Laura bars or salami something to eat on the go. Something that does not need to be heated up.
Lastly a few bottles of water. I got really thirsty and with no power the water fountains don’t work. This was only a four-hour power loss and was tolerable but had it been much longer in the heat with no water it could have been bad.
So I’ve decided I need to be more strict in my EDC and I need to store important items in the building at work. EDC items and Get Home Bags are wonderful if you actually have them or can get to them. No more will I say I don’t feel like carrying this or that today. I chose these items and I need to carry them.
Learn from my prepper fail and don’t let it happen to you. Next time you think you can go one day without carrying something remember my fight with mother nature and take it anyway. Have you had any prepper fails? Let me know in the comments
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I am a lineman and I learned a long time ago to keep food and spare cloths at work. After some late, cold, wet or hot hungry nights when you could not go to a food joint and or they still did not have power yet.( bad storm lol) I am a minimalist in my edc ,but keep my basic`s on hand now! I kind of dislike the tag prepper since we have been doing most of this kind of thing for a long time. Thank for doing what you do. David/orrville on survivalpodcast