Lesser of Two Evils Crap!
So today you get another rant. Two in one week, feel special. I’m not much of a political guy. Never have I ever felt a real love of either the Republicans nor Democrats. I’ve tended to be more in the middle. Having friends that are strong supporters of both parties I have been overwhelmed lately with propaganda. One of the things I’ve seen a lot is the lesser of two evils line.
My skin literally crawls when I hear “I’m voting for so-and-so because they’re the lesser of the two evils”. This one sentence has so much B.S in it. You are going to vote for the person you hate less? Really that’s your plan? I just can’t understand why this attitude has become the norm. I know that during my lifetime, I’m thirty by the way, I have not seen a president that was history book worthy. Heck since I’ve been of voting age we’ve had Bush and Obama…possibly the worst two ever.
The second issue I have with that statement is the “two” party part. The whole two-party system is nothing but an illusion help together by the collective sheeple. I’ve heard so many times recently the I would vote for (insert third-party candidate here) but they can’t win. They can’t win because your still supporting the two-party system by voting D or freaking R. If all the people who said that would vote for the candidate they actually agree with this two-party system might crumble.
I’m not one of the people who will tell you voting is the most important thing you can do. I’ll admit the Bush/ Kerry choice I sat out. My reason? Both were idiots. I knew I didn’t want either of them in office. I think sitting out an election is acceptable. Maybe if a presidential race had a the lowest turnout ever that would send a message that we are tired of this. I was planning on sitting out this election too, until I saw a candidate that I enthusiastically support.
In closing I just want to urge to vote how you truly feel. If you love and support Obama or Romney vote for them. If you hate one please don’t vote for the other though. Vote for who you like and agree with or sit it out. Me I’m voting Gary Johnson. The more I hear about him the more I like. What do you think about the two-party system and their candidates? What do you think about the lesser of two evils argument? Let me kn ow in the comments.
7 Replies to “Lesser of Two Evils Crap!”
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Amazing rant! I keep telling people that no one in Washington cares about you or me, they all have their own agendas and we are not part of it. I’m 39, I’ve voted in every Presidential election since I was able to and I’m sick of the lesser of 2 evils option as well! I want to have a candidate in my lifetime that I really want to vote for, that I really like and believe in. I hear and see a lot of people wishing and wanting a certain “long shot” candidate. Well, stop falling into the lesser of 2 evils trap and vote for a candidate instead of against one!
Thanks. I gave up on the longshot and am voting for someone on the polls and that I actually like
Love the first image … I usually referrer to them as “Opposames” … 😀
And your post is spot on.
I’m really tired of the “lesser of two evils” excuse as well. It is one of the main reasons third party candidates have trouble gaining traction in getting supporters behind their campaigns. We have to start somewhere, and now is just as good a time as any. I will be voting for Gary Johnson in November, regardless of weather or not he can win. My vote will count toward getting the Libertarian Party to be a major party in my state, which will take 5% of the vote. In 2016, people won’t have to run around for months collecting signatures to get the Libertarian Candidate on the ballot. Baby steps, yes, but I’d rather make slow change than no change at all.
Great comment totally agree. Gary has my suport 100%
I appreciate the antipathy, but must criticize this is a specious, knee-jerk reaction: hardly “spot-on.”
How many of you are failing to vote for your senators, representatives, and state and local politicians? What do you know about their opinions? “Sitting out” during an election demonstrates an ill-informed populace.
If you sat out during the 2004 election, you willingly gave up your voice in participating in the decision to elect state officials, voice your support or dissent of state propositions, and have no say in what goes on in your county and city.
Don’t forget: there is more at stake during an election than the presidency. Failure to recognize that fact allows people with whom we disagree to determine policies that guide us on a far more profound level than the presidency.
I have to completely disagree. Sitting out means not participating in a system that’s broke. I in no way believe that voting is a special and great duty. Government does not solve problems. The biggest statement that could be made would be for a mass sit out