Independence Day Special | episode 200

Independence Day Special
Independence Day Special

Independence Day Special | episode 200


This week I have a very special Independence Day episode. 

In this episode, I talk about some of the factors that lead up to the revolutionary war. 

How to colonists were being taxed heavily and without representation following the seven years war. 

Beginning with the Sugar act in 1774 then the stamp act the following year. 

How the tension came to a head at the Boston Massacre and the slap on the wrist given to the British Soldiers. 

Leading to the very famous Boston Tea Party. 

After that, we jump to the shot heard around the world and the battles at Lexington and Concord. 


I go on to read the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. 

I break down some of the Bill of rights and explain what they mean to us today. 

Finally, I believe it is important to study the birth of our nation and uphold the values that our founding fathers laid down. 



  • 1774 Sugar act
  • 1765 Stamp Act
  • Boston Massacre
  • The Shot Heard Around The World
  • The Constitution
  • The Bill of Rights


The Declaration Of Independence 

The Constitution 

The Bill Of Rights

Paperback Constitution 



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