How Long Does It Take For Food To Go Bad Infographic

Do you know How Long Does It Take For Food To Go Bad? Do you know why mold toxin on food is bad for you? Find out today with this infographic, mold, food mold, mold exposure, mycotoxins
Do you know How Long Does It Take For Food To Go Bad?

How Long Does It Take For Food To Go Bad

Food storage is the backbone of being a prepper. Making sure that we have food to eat now and in tough times is one of the major factors that drives us to prep. Knowing How Long Does It Take For Food To Go Bad  is vitally important. If you have food that goes bad you won’t be eating it. You need to plan for food rotation, especially on fresh food. 

How Long Does It Take For Food To Go Bad and to begin to grow mold? Do you know? I know I hate having to toss out food because I didn’t eat it in time. That is a waste of money. A waste of food that has to be replaced. With so much hunger in the world, I hate throwing away food. 


There is another reason to know How Long Does It Take For Food To Go Bad. That reason is mold. Mold and the mycotoxins they produce are terrible for your health. A few of the health issues caused by mold exposure are headaches, fatigue, and poor memory. This site has a full list of symptoms of toxic mold exposure.  Mold can come from both your food and environment. For your home, you can try homebiotic to kill mold toxins. 

In a disaster or full on SHTF do you really want to be crippled by mold exposure? I want to be on the top of my game. It will be life or death and I want every advantage I can get. Making sure that my food and home are mold free is an easy one to check on the list. 

Below is an awesome infographic on How Long Does It Take For Food To Go Bad by the folks over at Mold Guide.



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