Going Off The Grid With Gary Collins Best How To Book | episode 138

Going Off The Grid By Gary Collins First Thoughts
Going Off The Grid By Gary Collins First Thoughts


Going Off The Grid With Gary Collins Best How To Book | episode 138

This week I chat with Gary Collins about his new book Going Off The Grid (Amazon Link). 

Gary and I ramble a bit as we usually do. We talk about Why you would want to go off the grid. 

We dig into some troubles with finding a contractor. Some are great but many would rob their own mothers to make a buck.

Gary talks about why he hates tiny houses. And I get him to see my side of the argument and how it does work. 

The way to go is Travel trailer over a tiny house on wheels. Tiny houses are best when not on wheels. We both agree that custom fitting a shed into a tiny house is a fast and affordable method. 

Gary talks about his progress so far on building his going off grid project. 

We go off on a tangent about tools. We both love tools. And there are few ways to go about it. 

I talk about not having to own all the tools you need to build. Renting expensive tools is a viable option when building a home. 

Especially if you don’t have space to store them long term. 

Gary brings up the topic of buying new electric tools. When you buy new you have a warranty and a guarantee of quality. Buying used can be a crap shoot. 

I want to get Gary Back on to talk about much tougher questions about Going off the grid. 

  • Why did you choose to go off the grid
  • So you wrote the book on going off the grid
  • Tell us about your progress so far
  • Hardest part of the construction 
  • Tiny house hatred



Going Off The Grid (From Gary) (Amazon)
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