Episode 77 Survival As Retirement



Survival As Retirement
Survival As Retirement


Survival As Retirement

This week is a solo episode. James talks about Survival As Retirement. It is a concept I heard about years ago on the Survival Podcast Forum. Using Survivalism to retire. It immediately clicked with me.

The goal of Survival as Retirement is to eliminate the recurring non renewable costs. Basically to get rid of bills. So instead of paying $200 a month on electricity put in a solar system. It’s an up front cost of about 6~10 years of electric bills. After that payback period  you are power retired. You no longer need to pay for power.
The same applies to food. Many of us have to buy food daily, weekly or monthly. This is another bill that can me reduced or eliminated. The goal for many survivalists is to be 100% food self reliant. To provide all of our food from our own land.
To me this is a three fold process. The most important to me is animals. Animals that you breed are a renewable resource. The same with egg laying animals. I spend about $36 a month on the cheap eggs. I would much rather have organic free range eggs. With my own flock, even a small one of about 4 girls I could be egg retired. I would never have to buy them again as long as I could replace the hens as time went on.
This is Survival To Retire and my retirement plan.




  • Define Retirement
  • Social security and 401ks bust
  • Self sufficiency
  • Solar power
  • Batteries
  • well
  • rain water,
  • cisterns,
  • wood,
  • solar heater,
  • solar hot water heater,
  • electric blankets
  • Food storage
  • Animals
  • Annual Crops
  • Food forestry
  • Aquaponics/Aquaculture
Extra Income
  • Business
  • Passive income
  • Side jobs
Early Semi Retirement
  • Work Less

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