Twenty: Tactical Trauma Kit

Update: Contest Closed


Day twenty of the National Preparedness Month of Giveaways brings another item I’d been saving for last. I wish I could give one of these away to all of you. However Andrew from Liberty Tactical only gave me one Tactical Trauma kit to give away. So go check out what he’s got. This kit comes packed in a Condor pals medical pouch. The contents  are:

  • 1 Bloodstopper Kit                                         
  • 1 4″ Cohesive bandage
  • 6 4″x4″ Sterile sponges
  • 16 v3″x1″ Bandage strips
  •   1 5″x9″ ABD Pad
  • 1 Burn Gel package
  • 1 Tweezers
  • 1 EMT Shears
  • 6 Safety pins
  • 1 pair latex gloves
  • 4 Pain reliever
  • 2 Ammonia inhalants
  • 6 Benzalkonium Chloride wipes
  • 1 Triangular bandage
  • 5 Butterfly closure strips
  • 1 roll tape


Tactical Trauma Kit



Trauma Kit open

I’m a really big supporter of medical supplies.  I can really geek out on medical supplies and training. Maybe it’s because I’m accident prone and hate hospitals. As long as I can remember I’ve treated myself for most ailments. This kit will make treating many common and some not so common issue easy. As it comes your prepared to treat my major medical concern. Controlling blood loss. It has adequate gauze to stop most bleeding  wounds. Lots of bandages to treat small cuts and scraps.


The condor pouch it comes in looks pretty durable. Has pals on the front and molle attachments on the back. It’s small enough to stash anywhere. It would make a good hiking kit, range kit or extra for a car. Also this kit is not completely packed full. Although it does cover many of the necessaries I personally would add a few things. Which I feel everyone should do. Make your kit good for general uses but GREAT you your personal uses. Fill your kits with what you use or need most. Also don’t be afraid to use it. Better to discover what works now than later when it really counts.

More Contents

For anyone lacking in medical preps this is a MUST! If you have a mountain of ammo and no medical supplies or training good luck stopping from bleeding to death. You can not Dave Canterbury and I do not recommend using gun powder to close a wound. DON”T DO IT! So get your kits together now, get some training. If your in the area here are a few choices for training Dr. House suturing or the upcoming Patriot Nurse Class both well worth it.

You NEED this right. Well this is how you can get it. First subscribe to the blog. You can do so here. Next leave a comment on this post. Third head over to the Liberty Tactical Supply Facebook page and like them/ Thank them! That’s it. I will comment on this post tomorrow with the winner and you will have 24 hours to claim your prize.



52 Replies to “Twenty: Tactical Trauma Kit”

  1. TinMan

    A good Trauma kit is worth it’s weight in pre-64 gold for tactical reasons or even just in case. A good old fashioned car wreck on a rural backwoods road… this kit could save a life.. even your own.
    Thank You James for this month long, much appreciated give away.

  2. Storm

    As a registered nurse I know the importance of being well medically prepared for anything….and how often people aren’t. This would be great for my car kit or BOB.

  3. Clyde Rhoads

    This is something that you need in every truck, pack or range bag. Never leave home without a medical kit, I’m crossing my fingers on this one!!!

  4. Jake Sepulveda

    I plan on surviving through the next big disaster or Zombie outbreak that hits home, but more than that… I plan on saving others. With a well stocked tactical Med-kit like this I would be able to to keep more than just myself alive.

  5. Jesse H

    Everybody’s kit should have a good first aid/trauma kit. Unfortunately I don’t have one (yet) HINT!
    I got the perfect spot in my B.O.B.

  6. Andre Raglin

    I am a certified combat life saver and have taken several courses in casualty care in the field; But lack a sweet trauma kit like the one your offering. I really need this for my EDC in my line of work. Talk about saving the best for last. Thanks “Liberty Tactical” and “Survival Punk” for not keeping this kit for himself.

  7. GaryL

    This is definitely something we need. When folks go to the various vendors’ pages on FB, they might want to post a “Thank You” for supporting Survival Punk.

  8. Andrew

    I definitely need to add a trauma kit to my family’s bug out bag! This one looks fantastic! Please put me in the running! Thanks!

  9. Vahid Friedrich

    Wow, exactly what I’m looking for to keep in my car. I’m teaching my 8 year old daughter fishing and archery, and hope I never would need to use it.

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