Grand Trunk Parachute Nylon Double Hammock

Day 17 of the National Preparedness Month of Giveaways and today I have a great one! I have a Grand Trunk Parachute Nylon Double Hammock. The hammock is made from high-strength, mildew-resistant with triple-stitched parachute nylon.  It comes with two nautical grade carabiners. The double hammock has a total weight of only 20 oz. It has very spacious dimensions of 10.5 x 6.5ft. While made to be able to accommodate two people it is comfortable for a single person. The hammock has a weight limit of 400 pounds. Come stuffed inside an attached stuff sack. Included a Hammock hanging kit.The color on this hammock is the very stealthy wood grain chocolate.

Grand Trunk “Goods For the Road”

Grand Trunk Hammock

I had the wort luck trying to get out and test this thing. Every time I tried the weather turned foul or something else came up. Finally at the last minute I managed to get out and hand this thing up and take some picture of it in action. The first thing I noticed was how light and small this hammock is. Definitely much lighter than my Hennessy Hammock.

Grand Trunk in Stuff sack

The stuff sack and patch look amazing. In this picture you can really see the pattern of the hammock. Hands down the best looking hammock I’ve ever used.

Hammock Hanging Kit

At first I was a bit confused by the hanging kit that came with it. Basically it’s a rope doubled over, knotted at the end and another one about eight inches further up. The design was so simple I began to over think it. I cursed myself for not brining a proper hanging kit. For not bringing my tree huggers. In the end I found two trees the right distance apart. You use these ropes like tree huggers (just not as good on the tree). Loop the end of the rope around the tree and through the opining between the rope. Clip on the carbine and your done. The first trees I chose were too far and the second really a little too close. I ended up wrapping the rope around twice to make it shorter.

Double wrapped

Double wrapping one end got me just about where I wanted it to be. The other end I just slid higher up on the tree for a slight incline in the upper body and for a bit more tension. Lack of tension in this hanging system was my main issue with it. My second was in lack of versatility. You’re pretty limited in selecting your trees. I was able to temporarily fix both by being creative though. Long term I would switch to tree huggers and a more versatile hanging/ tensioning  system. I am however a picky hammock guy. This system IS very easy to set up. Hanging could take less than five minutes. Possibly less than one minute to be honest.

Hung Hammock

I like how low profile this is when hung. Without bedding or gear it takes up almost no air space. Concealing it would be a breeze. My preference

In the Grand Trunk

The Grand trunk is very roomy. At 6’1 I had plenty of room in the hammock. It was very comfortable. The nylon was soft unlike some that have an abrasive quality. I had some friends out with me helping take pictures (Thanks Andrea) Neither of them had ever been in a camping hammock before and were not entirely sure that it was comfortable nor would this tiny thing hold their weight. Me and the Grand Trunk proved them wrong on both accounts. After instructing them on how to lay diagonally to make it lay flat they were both impressed, and quickly asked how to win this thing.

If you want to win the Grand Trunk Double Hammock this is what you have to do. Make sure you are a blog subscriber. You can do so here. Next leave me a comment on this post. Third head over to the Grand Trunk “Goods For the Road” Facebook Page and like/Thanks them. I will announce the winner in 24 hours and you will have 24 hours to email me your shipping address. If you’ve one once this month you are not eligible so share this. That’s it!


for hanging height is just above waist level. It allows for sagging to occur to while laying in it.

50 Replies to “Grand Trunk Parachute Nylon Double Hammock”

  1. Randy Sanner

    Thanks for the contest. This would be awesome to throw in my kayak for days when I want to jump out for a while and relax!

  2. TinMan

    This is an Item I actually have been looking at on line to buy. A friend of mine enjoys hammock camping and I have been intrigued. I really would like to try this as an alternative to tent camping.

  3. Clyde Rhoads

    I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really want this! Thank you!

  4. Emmy

    This is the prize I want most. I do love tent camping, but Jeeze oh man, carrying a tent is hard on a girl when I’m backpacking. Plus, sleeping on the ground? I have to take sleeping pills and lots of survival alcohol so I can try and ignore the roots and hidden rocks I’m laying on. Not to mention I’m moving to Washington state where there are more trees than people, perfect place to hang a hammock. Don’t even et my started on my passion for all things nylon.

  5. Storm

    I would love to have one of these! I have the perfect place to put it out between two huge old pecan trees with a view of the mountains. I could relax out there listening to the birds and the breeze…ahhhh.

  6. FloridaHillbilly

    Don’t count me in on the contest, I already won something, tyvm!

    I have owned a Grand Truck Skeeter Beater hammock fora couple of yeas and SWEAR this is the best thing to ever happen to camping. Whoever wins this will LOVE it, and those that don’t should go out and get one ASAP, if you love to camp, or just relax outside! They make a FABULOUS product!


  7. Ryan Heugly

    The double hammock I own snapped apart this summer while my wife and I were napping in it. I would love to have this one as a replacement; much more practical for bug-out, etc.

  8. Mike Harbin

    Nice and compact as well as being light and strong. It must be mine for no pack is complete without a way to not sleep on the hard ass ground!

  9. Mark Graves

    If I win I will have somewhere to sleep when my wife kicks me out of the house for getting to much gear. She says stuff like paying bills and such is more important than more gear. Silly woman.

  10. Mike

    Oooh!!! Alright I could so see myself camping out sleeping in that… Would beat the stuffing out of lugging around the air mattress that my wife insists on bringing.

  11. Jen S.

    My friend gave me her 30 year old hammock. It sucks. It’s brittle and rough and has no bounce. Not that I wasn’t grateful.

  12. Andrew

    Congrats, Brian! (don’t respond, don’t respond, don’t respond, don’t respond, don’t respond…) Hey, a little Jedi never hurts… 🙂 And the congrats are genuine. Thanks for the shot, SP!

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