Sunshine to Dollars Book



Lets start out week three with big! Today I have a four copies of Steven Harris’ book Sunshine to Dollars. If you have not heard of this book it’s the most interesting books I’ve read on Solar power. The book focuses on two of my favorite things. The book is a DIY handbook for solar energy projects. With projects like setting up solar panels, solar cookers and heating. Secondly the book is for us thrifty folks. Steven shows you how he got over 85 solar panels free. The biggest savings though is in all the free glass he got. If you like DIY projects and getting things for free keep reading so I can show you how you can get a copy yourself.

I first heard about Steven on The Survival Podcast and have been a fan of his work since then. I have a huge interest in science and can really geek out on his stuff. I had been meaning to pick this book up for so long. I’m ashamed now I waited so long to read it. I love how Steven jumps right into solutions. Literally page one of the book shows you the trick on getting FREE solar panels. Free happens to be my favorite price. While I’m not going to disclose how he got them, You will have to hope you win a copy or go buy one, It is an easy trick. Makes me wish I had a truck to haul them away and a home to hook them up.

There are so many projects in this book you will surely find one to do. I can vouch his solar window heater detailed in the book. One one of his many TSP interviews he described it in detail. I followed that description and did not use heat in my apartment this past winter except when I had company over. I was comfortable with the temperature usually in the high 60’s. Here in Tennessee we had a fairly mild winter but had many days with freezing temperatures.If you interested I documented the experiment here.

As an extra the book also includes Steven “Surviving the Blackout of 2003” which documents his personal adventure during a Michigan area blackout. This book could easily sale in its own. The tips and tricks given out are well worth it. Using your car as generator is pure genius. This section deals with how to prep for a grid down scenario and does it better than most sources I’ve read. I learned a few things on sanitation and dealing with human waste.

If you made it through this article without going and buying a copy already then here is your chance to win a copy. Steve sent me four copies of Sunshine to Dollars to give away. So that’s four chances for you to win this amazing book.  If you want to win this is how. First make sure that you subscribed to the blog notifications. You can do so here. Second leave a comment on this post. While your doing that make sure that you click the subscribe to replies button or at least check back the next day. I announce the winner in the comments. You have 24 hours to email me your address to send you your prize. Lastly make sure you head over to Steven’s Facebook page and like it and thank him! That’s all you have to do. I’ll announce the winner (in the comments) tomorrow morning around this time. Also if you’ve already won something you are not eligible. Good luck to everyone and enjoy!



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