Choosing the Right Survival Gear

Top Pros And Cons Of Outdoor Survival Gear

Choosing the Right Survival Gear

When we talk about survival, a lot of folks look at us with that look that says “what the heck are you talking about?” For some, the world is too well organized to have any major issues. However, to the knowledgeable ones, they understand that the earth is unpredictable, and coupled with the different ways that humans are messing with the natural arrangement of things, it’s not impossible to see some great catastrophe coming upon humanity.

Well, that may be too farfetched for some, but as we can see from this article here, those preppers who have been screaming about people getting prepared for unknown eventualities, appear to have been proven right; at least to an extent.

If we can all not agree that something catastrophic can happen to the world causing humans to learn new ways of surviving, we can at least agree that there are certain situations in which we could find ourselves that will require some survival skills and gear.

Imagine finding yourself stuck in the wilderness, camping in the wild, shipwrecked, or any other situation that is outside of your comfort zone and which could result in your death or serious incapacitation? While these situations may not be common occurrences, being prepared for them takes nothing away from you.

Our focus in this article is just one aspect of the subject which is some gear that are important for survival in tough situations.


Factors to Consider When Choosing Survival Gear

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If you visit online resources like Survival Techie, you will find that there are different types of survival gear so choosing the ones that are right for you can be difficult unless you know what consideration factors to base your decision on. In this segment, we will look at some of these factors to be considered.

Type of Disaster

The very first thing to consider is the type of disaster or eventuality you are preparing for. Once you can identify the disaster to which you are most at risk, then you can choose your gear to help you survive that situation.

This can have to do with a person’s location, type of work, or any other such factor. A person who lives in a flood-prone area will require different gear and preparation from someone who lives in a tornado-prone area. This is just an example.

Ease of Use

What’s the use of having a survival gear that you cannot easily use when the emergency for which you got it occurs? It is important to always consider how easy it will be to deploy whatever gear or emergency setup you may have in place during the occurrence of said emergency.


In some cases, an emergency situation may require quick movement or relocation. In such a situation, you do not want to be saddled with gear that are very heavy and likely to slow your progress down considerably. For this consideration, it is clear that it should be looked at only after defining the exact emergency that is likely to occur in the area. While some of these emergencies may require portability with the gear you will need, some others may not.

Types of Survival Gear

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In the section above, we mentioned that the type of survival gear one should go for will be determined by the kind of situation they are preparing for. In this section, we will quickly look at some types of gear based on their application.

First Aid

This is one kit that everyone should have. This can be required in practically every and any emergency situation and should, therefore, be considered a priority.

Nature Related Emergency

There are a lot of emergencies that are nature related. A few examples include floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, and many more. Like we stated above, the exact kind of emergency one is preparing for will determine which tools they should ensure they keep close.

Car Kits

There are always crashes involving cars every now and again. Imagine a car is at risk of bursting into flames after an accident and the passengers are stuck inside. Some special tools will be required to force an opening for them to get out. The same will be applicable if the car somehow fell into a body of water and the passengers need to be helped out.

It does not only have to be an accident. Having a car failure in the middle of nowhere may require not just some survival skills, but also some important gear especially when it occurs late at night.

Outdoor Gear

When you go camping, there are necessary tools you should possess. These should include your normal camping gear as well as tools that may come in handy should a problem arise during the camping expedition.

Boat Gear

Going on a boat ride has its own dangers. There are also tools specific to this kind of scenario which you should ensure you have with you when going for these kinds of trips.

You can find a more exhaustive list here:


Looking at the few points we have raised above, it should be clear that the issue of survival does not only have to do with a world-ending event. There are other smaller, but equally challenging situations that we can be faced with, for which we should be prepared.

The truth is that it is better to be prepared for a situation and not experience it than not to be prepared only to experience it. Like the Boys Scouts motto says; “Be Prepared!”


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